Order of Service

April 25, 2021

Call to Worship  Scripture, Prayer Joel Lee
Worship in Song  Music and Singing Joel Lee
Worship in Fellowship  Welcome and Announcements James Lee
Worship in Giving and Response  Tithes and Offering Joel Lee

Sermon Notes


Passage: Genesis 12:1

The Lord had said to Abram, “Go from your __________, your __________ and your father’s household to the ___________ I will show you…” Genesis 12:1

  • You will overcome___________________________________________.

 “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.  I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” Isaiah 41:10

  • You will experience the ____________________________________.

“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” Matthew 6:33

  • You will expand your _____________________________________.

“…a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb…” Rev. 7:9

  • You will discover ________________________________________.

“Every day they continued to meet … They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts…” – Acts 2:46

  • You will build ___________________________________________.

I long to see you so that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to make you strong— 12 that is, that you and I may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith.”  Romans 1:11

  • You will see the___________________________________________.

 “it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes.”

Romans 1:16

  • You will become___________________________________________.

“I will give thanks to you, LORD, with all my heart;  I will tell of all your wonderful deeds.” Psalm 9:1

  • You will rethink your________________________________________.

“Now when David had served God’s purpose in his own generation, he fell asleep…” – Acts 13:36

  • You will gain compassion for_________________________________.

“As he approached Jerusalem and saw the city, he wept over it” – Luke 19:41

  • You will bring glory to_______________________________________.

“When you produce much fruit, you are my true disciples. This brings great glory to my Father.” – John 15:8


  • Devotional Material: 2021 May “Living Life” is available for pick up at the church office from Tuesday to Friday, 10am to 4pm.
  • April Mission Month Sunday School: Speaker is David Pan (Deacon from EFC Irvine) for 4/25 at 9:30am (Meeting ID: 531 334 3933, Passcode: mission).
  • Reopening: The registration form is available on the church website. It is also possible to call the church office (626‐450‐7676) for sign‐up.
  • Charity Runner’s Fundraiser: World Vision is hosting a fundraising activity “Global 6K for Water” for the countries in need of clean water. Our Senior Pas-tor Benson Wang will be the leader of Team EFCLA to aim for the goal to raise $2,000. The event will take place at 9am on 5/22 (Sat) in Rosemead Park. Regis-tration fee is $50 for each runner. Please visit the website (worldvision6k.org) and search “EFCLA” to join the team. It is also possible to donate without run-ning so feel free to contact the church office if you have any questions.
  • Children Congregation: To celebrate Mother’s Day, CC is collecting pictures of the kids’ families. Please send your photos to CC Director Ruth (ccefcla@gmail.com) as soon as possible.
  • Recruitment: We are looking for advisors and helpers to join our ministries to bless and inspire our college, high school, and middle school students. Feel free to reach out if you feel called and would like to know more about it.

Upcoming: Holy Communion (5/2)

Prayer Requests

Pray for Our Church (EFCLA)

  • Pray for Sunday School Teachers. Pray for the Sunday school teachers of the coming quarter.  Pray that the Lord would use these teachers to equip the brothers and sisters in doctrines, bible knowledge, and knowing God.
  • Pray for Happiness Group Ministries. Pray for the HG teams.  Pray that the BESTs would make their decision for Christ and receive their baptism.
  • Pray for the Sick.  Pray for those who are sick. Pray that the Lord would heal them and restore their health.

Pray for the world

  • Pray for Taiwan West Coast Outreach. Pray for this July’s Taiwan West Coast Outreach. Pray that many students would come to the Lord through this outreach.  Pray also that the local churches would follow up with those who come to the Lord.
  • Pray for Belarus. Since the reelection of President Alexander Lukashenko in August 2020, the streets of Belarus have filled with protesters demonstrating against Lukashenko’s electoral abuses.  Demonstrators are demanding an end to police brutality and that new elections be held transparently and fairly.  The protesters persisted even after a violent crackdown by the police.  Pray that God would restore peace and stability to Belarus and that He would install a godly leader who protects the interest of the people.

Faithful Servants

   Today  Next Sunday
Speaker KC Liu Jacky Yang
Presider James Lee Eddie Sun
Worship Joel Lee Joel Lee
Prayer Meeting Eddie Sun Joel Lee

Your Faithful Participation

Your faithful participation April 18, 2021
Hybrid Worship Service 83
Online Sunday School 13