Order of Service

July 18, 2021

Call to Worship  Scripture, Prayer Arthur Au
Worship in Song  Music and Singing Arthur Au
Worship in Fellowship  Welcome and Announcements James Lee
Worship in Word  Redemption – Hope At Last ! Jacky Yang
Worship in Giving and Response  Tithes and Offering Arthur Au

Sermon Notes

Title: Redemption – Hope At Last !

Passage: Isaiah 53:4-6


  • Construction: 1) Church is planning to renovate the men’s and women’s restrooms in the main sanctuary and English chapel. The estimated cost is $150,000. We invite you to pray for sufficient funds and the successful completion of the remodeling process. If you would like to give a special offering for this project, please put “Building” in the notes. 2) Until 7/11, we have collected just over $90,000 including the church reserve fund, fixtures that will be donated, and cash offerings. Please pray for the fulfillment of the remaining $60,000..
  • Midweek Prayer Meeting: We will start a new prayer ministry every Wednesday evening from June. We sincerely invite all our sisters and brothers to join our midweek prayer every Wednesday from 7:30‐8:30pm (Zoom Meeting ID: 810 0333 4883 Passcode: prayer). We look forward to connecting with our church family through worship, scripture reading, and prayers altogether. Feel free to reach out to Pastor Jacky if you have any questions.
  • Children Congregation: 1) CC will host a meeting for all parents today from 1‐2pm on Zoom. Please stay tuned for the meeting information for participation. 2) CC will resume physical gathering on 8/1 from 10am to 1pm. Please come back to join us on Sunday worship.  3) CC is also recruiting Sunday School teachers and helpers for the fall (September to November).  4) There is still one spot left for PAID staff (college students or above). Please contact CC Director Ruth (ext.16 or rkuo@efcla.org) if you have been fully vaccinated and are willing to serve on Friday/Saturday evenings during fellowship time. 
  • Recruitment: We are looking for advisors and helpers to join our ministries to bless and inspire our college, high school, and middle school students. Feel free to reach out if you feel called and would like to know more about it.

Upcoming: Holy Communion (8/1)

Prayer Requests

Pray for Our Church (EFCLA)

  • Pray for Media Ministries. Pray for our media teams. Through their en-deavor, our online worship, prayer meeting, and spiritual devotion make possible.
  • Pray for Restroom Remodeling Project. Pray that the Lord would provide fifty thousand more dollars for the restroom renovation project. Pray that the renovation would start as planned in September and finish in October.
  • Pray for C.C. Reopen. The onsite children’s worship will resume in August. Pray for the preparation for reopening and the recruitment of teachers and aides.
  • Pray for the Sick. Pray for those who are sick. Pray that the Lord would heal them and restore their health.

Pray for the world

  • Pray for Gabon.  In 2019, Gabon’s GDP was the fourth-highest on the African continent. Unfortunately, political troubles and an economy that is heavily dependent on declining oil reserves are weakening the country’s economic situation.  In addition, his riches are held by an elite few while one-third of the population lives under the poverty line.  Pray that God will bring about political stability and that the poor will be taken care of as the gospel reaches them.

Faithful Servants

   Today  Next Sunday
Speaker Jacky Yang Eddie Sun
Presider James Lee Emily Doo
Worship Arthur Au Emily Doo
Prayer Meeting Arthur Au Eddie Sun

Your Faithful Participation

Your faithful participation July 11, 2021
Hybrid Worship Service 73
Online Sunday School 4