Order of Service

August 08, 2021

Call to Worship  Scripture, Prayer Eddie Sun
Worship in Song  Music and Singing Eddie Sun
Worship in Fellowship  Welcome and Announcements Eddie Sun
Worship in Word  Cloud & Fire Scott Changchien
Worship in Giving and Response  Tithes and Offering Eddie Sun

Sermon Notes

Title: Cloud & Fire

Passage: Exodus 31:3, 33:19


  • Construction: 1) The restroom renovation is to start in September and accom-plish in October. Please pray for the project. 2) Up to date, we still need fifty-some thousand dollars for the project. Please pray for the provision from God for this project. When you make a donation for this project, please denote “building” in the memo.
  • Midweek Prayer Meeting: We will start a new prayer ministry every Wednes-day evening from June. We sincerely invite all our sisters and brothers to join our midweek prayer every Wednesday from 7:30‐8:30pm (Zoom Meeting ID: 810 0333 4883 Passcode: prayer). We look forward to connecting with our church family through worship, scripture reading, and prayers altogether. Feel free to reach out to Pastor Jacky if you have any questions.
  • Children Congregation: 1) CC is recruiting Sunday school teachers for 4th-5th grade class in the fall (September to November). If you have been fully vac-cinated, welcome to contact CC Director Ruth (ext.16). 2) 2021-22 new school year registration has started. For parents with children younger than 5th grade, please visit our church website (efcla.org) and find the information in the flyer for registration.
  • ABC Online Conference 2021: This year Access Bible Convention (ABC) is on 9/18 (Sat) from 9am to 4pm with live-streamed videos. The registra-tion fee is $10 and the church will cover the cost if you are a church member. Please register on the website: https://tinyurl.com/ABC2021EFCLA
  • Recruitment: We are looking for advisors and helpers to join our ministries to bless and inspire our college, high school, and middle school students. Feel free to reach out if you feel called and would like to know more about it.

Upcoming: Holy Communion (9/12)

Prayer Requests

Pray for Our Church (EFCLA)

  • Pray for Finance Ministries.  Pray that the Lord would bless Elder Max and Deacon Donna, Jenny, and Anson’s finance ministries.  Pray that under their management our church would use money wisely and have more than enough in everything.. 
  • Pray for Young Adult Ministries. Pray for our English young adult advisers, Pastor Eddie, and Mandarin young adult advisers, Minister Julie, George, Alice, and Yunhua.  Pray that the Lord would use them to build up the young adult’s faith, and help them to grow in truth.
  • Pray for the Sick.  Pray for those who are sick. Pray that the Lord would heal them and restore their health.

Pray for the world

  • Pray for Mexico. Catholicism has historically dominated the religious spectrum in Mexico but in the last seventy years, it has declined by about 20 percent. On the other hand, the percentage of Protestant believers has increased by about 4 percent in the past decade. At the same time, according to a 2020 census, the percentage of people identifying as nonreligious rose from 4.7 to 8.1 percent. Pray that Mexico’s believers will be firmly rooted in God’s Word.
  • Pray for the COVID. The COVID pandemic in the US is on the rising due to the Delta variant. Last week, there were once over 150 thousand people contracted in a single day. In some states where the vaccination rate is relatively low, the pandemic is apparently rampant. Pray that the Lord would move those who have not been vaccinated to receive their vaccine. Pray for those who are contracted would recover and the pandemic would subside. 

Faithful Servants

   Today  Next Sunday
Speaker Scott Changchien Jacky Yang
Presider Eddie Sun James Lee
Worship Eddie Sun Arthur Au
Prayer Meeting Jacky Yang James Lee

Your Faithful Participation

Your faithful participation August 01, 2021
Hybrid Worship Service 62
Online Sunday School 0