Order of Service

January 16, 2022

Call to Worship  Scripture, Prayer Arthur Au
Worship in Song  Music and Singing Arthur Au
Worship in Fellowship  Welcome and  Announcements James Lee
Worship in Word  Hidden Gifts Jacky Yang
Worship in Giving and Response  Tithes and Offering Arthur Au

Sermon Notes

Title: Hidden Gifts

Passage: 1 Peter 4:10


  1. Devotional Material: 2022 February “Living Life” is available for pick up at the church office.
  2. Finance Department: Church will have the offering receipts ready for pickup on the Sundays of 1/23 and 1/30. If you have used Zelle or PayPal for offering or have changed your mailing address in the past year, please call 626-450-7676 or email: info@efcla.org to update the information.
  3. Children’s Congregation: There will be a Lunar New Year Celebration on 2/6 (Sun) from 1:00 to 2:30pm in the courtyard. We will have Lunar New Year related desserts and activities such as kids games and calligraphy. Students and children younger than 12th grade will receive a red envelope. Please contact CC Director Ruth (ext.16) for more details.
  4. Hospitality: We now need more church families to join the welcome team to greet and serve new friends. Please contact Chi or Charlene if you can serve as ushers. Thank you!
  5. Precaution: Recently the Omicron variant has caused the surge of numbers in COVID confirmed cases. Please follow California’s CDC guidelines to wear the mask the whole time during our church gatherings. If you happened to be infected and tested positive, please follow the rules of quarantine and notify your fellowship advisor or zone pastor so that we can be your support. Thank you.

Upcoming: Holy Communion (2/6)

Prayer Requests

Pray for Our Church (EFCLA)

  • Pray for Fellowship Ministries. Pray for Elder Alfred Liu, Deacon Jenny Lo, and Deacon Sam Yeh.  Also, pray for the pastors, advisers, and small groups.  Pray that the Lord would use them to build up fellowships/groups, encourage those feeble in faith, train new leaders, and spread the gospel.
  • Pray for Lunar New Year Mini Carnival. Pray for preparing the Lunar New Year Mini Carnival of Feb 6.  Pray that the next generation would know the Lunar New Year through this activity and more people in the communities would know our church through this activity.
  • Pray for the Sick. Brother Pei-Yuan Xu, Sister Mei-Zhen’s husband, fell and got hurt.  Pray that the Lord would heal Brother Xu and restore his health soon. 

Pray for the world

  • Pray for COVID. Although the Omicron variant is highly contagious, being fully vaccinated is the best method to prevent severe illness or death.  Pray that people would receive their vaccines and even their booster shots. Pray that those infected would recover soon.
  • Pray for Turkey. As a predominantly Muslim nation, Turkey is gaining traction in its religious nationalism, making it harder and harder for the 0.2 percent Christian population to profess and practice their faith.  While conversion to Christianity is not illegal, Christians are marginalized by families, communities, and workplaces, and non-Turkish Christians are being banned from the country.  Pray that even amid this stifling environment, Christians in Turkey will persevere in living out their faith and spreading the gospel.

Faithful Servants

   Today – Christmas Joint  Service      Next Sunday
Speaker Jacky Yang  Eddie Sun
Presider James Lee  Emily Doo
Worship Arthur Au   Joel Lee
Ushers Li Chen
Charlene Hsu /
Stephanie Sun
Darren Hsu /
Emily Sun
Prayer Meeting Arthur Au  Joel Lee

Your Faithful Participation

Your faithful participation January 9, 2022
Hybrid Worship Service 71
Hybrid Sunday School 6