Order of Service

January 23, 2022

Call to Worship  Scripture, Prayer Joel Lee
Worship in Song  Music and Singing Joel Lee
Worship in Fellowship  Welcome and  Announcements Emily Doo
Worship in Word The Way of the Dragon or the Way of the Lamb Eddie Sun
Worship in Giving and Response  Tithes and Offering Joel Lee

Sermon Notes

Title: The Way of the Dragon or the Way of the Lamb

Passage: 1 Peter 5


  1. Pastoral Office: Our Senior Pastor Benson Wang hastened home for the funeral of his father in Taiwan on 1/19 and will be away for about a month. If you need pastoral care or have any questions about ministries, please reach out to Pastor Johnson or Pastor Jacky.
  2. Finance Department: 2021 offering receipts are ready for pickup today and 1/30 (next Sunday) at the welcome table by the main sanctuary. If you have used Zelle or PayPal for offering or changed your mailing address in the past year, please call 626-450-7676 or email to: info@efcla.org to update your information.
  3. Children’s Congregation: There will be a Lunar New Year Celebration on 2/6 (Sun) from 1:00 to 2:30pm in the courtyard. We will have Lunar New Year related desserts and activities such as kids games and calligraphy. Students and children younger than 12th grade will receive a red envelope. Please contact CC Director Ruth (ext.16) for more details.
  4. Hospitality: We now need more church families to join the welcome team to greet and serve new friends. Please contact Chi or Charlene if you can serve as ushers. Thank you!
  5. Precaution: Recently the Omicron variant has caused the surge of numbers in COVID confirmed cases. Please follow California’s CDC guidelines to wear the mask the whole time during our church gatherings. If you happened to be infected and tested positive, please follow the rules of quarantine and notify your fellowship advisor or zone pastor so that we can be your support. Thank you.

Upcoming: Holy Communion (2/6)

Prayer Requests

Pray for Our Church (EFCLA)

  • Pray for Care Ministries. Pray for Elder T.T. Huang, Deacon Charlie Huang, and Deacon Esther Hsu.  Pray that the Lord would use their hospitality ministries to welcome the newcomers to our church family.
  • Pray for Younger Children. Pray that the Lord would protect children five and younger from being infected because there is no vaccine for them.  Pray for their safety.
  • Pray for the Sick. Pray for those who are sick or infected. Pray that the Lord would heal them and restore their health. 

Pray for the world

  • Pray for COVID. The number of daily new cases of COVID in California is now stagnating.  Pray that the number of daily new cases will soon drop.  Pray that people would receive their booster shots as soon as possible.  Pray also that those who are infected would either have no symptoms or mild symptoms only.
  • Pray for Kazakhstan. About a quarter of Kazakhstan’s population is Christian.  Because Orthodox Christians mostly keep to themselves and do not try to evangelize, they do not face many difficulties.  However, Christians who convert from Islam are severely persecuted by their families and communities, and are restricted by the government.  Pray for protection and encouragement for the converts from Islam, and for the churches to find ways to worship and spread the gospel despite the restrictions.

Faithful Servants

   Today – Christmas Joint  Service      Next Sunday
Speaker Eddie Sun Mkram Shahatit
Presider Emily Doo Jacky Yang
Worship Joel Lee Eddie Sun
Ushers Jeremy Chuang
Darren Hsu /
Emily Sun
Ning Chou
Patricia Ho /
Debora Shih
Prayer Meeting Joel Lee Eddie Sun

Your Faithful Participation

Your faithful participation January 16, 2022
Hybrid Worship Service 61
Hybrid Sunday School 6