Order of Service

June 5, 2022

Call to Worship  Scripture, Prayer Arthur Au
Worship in Song  Music and Singing Arthur Au
Worship in Fellowship  Welcome and  Announcements Jacky Yang
Worship in Word  Conformed or Transformed  Jacky Yang 
Worship in Giving and Response  Tithes and Offering Arthur Au

Sermon Notes

Title: Conformed or Transformed

Passage: Romans 12:2


  1. Personnel: Thanks to the Lord, the church began to hire brother Ryan Wang as the church administrator starting 6/1.
  2. Father’s Day Sunsay (6/19): HarvestLA will hold an outdoor service at 10:30am with potluck and BBQ for lunch at Live Oak Park, Temple City. We will have some sports fun and a softball tournament in the afternoon. Please invite your family and friends to come and join us.
  3. Children’s Congregation: 1) Starting 6/13~17 from 6:00~8:40pm CC will host VBS on the 2nd floor of CC Building. Children of 4 yrs old to 6th graders are welcomed. Please contact Children’s Director Ruth (ext.16) for more details. 2) Hiring child caregivers for Friday, Saturday evenings, and Sunday morning as a paid job. 
  4. Student Ministries: We are planning a leadership conference for all our students on 6/11 (Sat) from 10am to 3pm with lunch provided. Our church is called to raise leaders and make disciples. We would love to see the younger generation getting more involved in various aspects of our church ministries. More details to come so please stay tuned.
  5. Recruitment: The church has an urgent need to hire a facility manager to be responsible for our church campus. If you are interested, please contact Lydia Wang (Huil-ing@efcla.org). Brothers and sisters are welcome to recommend good candidates and keep this in your prayers. Thank you.
  6. Hospitality: We now need more church families to join the welcome team to greet and serve new friends. Please contact Chi or Charlene if you can serve as ushers. Thank you!
  7. Action of Love: Samuel Tsou is a single brother in his forties, currently living alone. The government subsidy has also been stopped after being recently diagnosed with colon cancer and unable to work after chemotherapy. As a result, he encountered financial difficulties and is about to be evicted by the landlord. Hope the brothers and sisters can help him through the current difficulties (at least maintain the original rental apartment, and receive medical treatment). Ask the Lord to help us “see the need and reach out.” To donate, please go to Gofundme.com page and Search for Tsou (Help Samuel to survive).

Prayer Requests

Pray for Our Church (EFCLA)

  • Pray for the June 18th Activity. The church joins Chinese Herald’s Walk for the Needy Campaign. This is campaign’s goal is to raise funds for the needy in our communities. Pray that the Lord would move many brothers and sisters from our church to join this campaign. Pray also for Song of Songs and Gospel fellowships, who are in charge of a food stand in this campaign.
  • Pray for Baptism. There is one person from the children’s congregation and another one from Harvest LA going to take their baptismal class, respectively. Pray that the baptismal class would help them have a clear idea about the Christian faith, and strengthen their commitment to be a disciple of Jesus Christ.
  • Pray for Brother Samuel. Brother Samuel has colon cancer and is under medical treatment. Pray that the Lord would heal brother Samuel. Brother Samuel cannot work currently. Also, pray that the Lord would move the church to help brother Samuel’s daily needs.
  • Pray for the Sick. Pray for those who are sick. Pray that the Lord would heal them and restore their health.

Pray for the world

  • Pray for Kenya. Even though the vast majority of Kenya’s population is Christian, persecution is an issue in the northeast and coastal regions, where the majority is Muslim. Many Christians have had to flee their villages due to extremists’ attacks and violence has been on the increase over the last four years. Pray for God to protect Christians in the northeast and coastal regions and for the church in Kenya to continue influencing the nation with the gospel.
  • Pray for America. Pray for officials at all levels of legislation, judiciary, and executive in the United States to fear God and do justice; pray for America’s gun issue, abortion, and the revival of the American church.

Faithful Servants

  Today       Next Sunday
Speaker Jacky Yang Scott Changchien
Presider Jacky Yang Eddie Sun
Worship Arthur Au Eddie Sun
Ushers Jennifer Sun
Darren Hsu /      Matthew Chuang
Stephanie Sun /      Patricia Ho
Prayer Meeting Jeremy Chuang James Lee

Your Faithful Participation

Your faithful participation May 29, 2022
Hybrid Worship Service 81
Hybrid Sunday School 9