Order of Service

September 04, 2022

Call to Worship Scripture, Prayer Joel Lee
Worship in Song Music and Singing Joel Lee
Worship in Fellowship Welcome and Announcements Jacky Yang
Worship in Word Inside Out: Embracing Your Emotions Jacky Yang
Worship in Giving and Response Tithes and Offering Joel Lee

Sermon Notes

Title: Inside Out: Embracing Your Emotions

Passage: Matthew 11:28 & Psalm 147:3


  1. Church Lunch: The estimated additional budget for lunch is $27,500 through August to December. Please keep this need in your prayers and support this ministry with donation if you are able.
  2. Courtyard Renovation: The North Courtyard of the church campus is under renovation now and it will take about 6 weeks for completion. Please use other entrances and exits during the construction period. The estimated budget is $80,000 and the amount of funds raised so far is $22,347.14. Please continue to pray for the renovation and funds (Memo: Courtyard).
  3. Children’s Congregation:
    1) Parents can now register for the 2022-23 school year with children grades 5th and below through EFCLA.org.
    2) 9/11 (Sun) at 11am, there will be a pro-motion for the new 3rd graders on the 2nd floor of CC Building. Our church will give each student an English Bible as a gift and we welcome the parents to join us for this occasion.
    3) 9/25 (Sun) from 12:45-1:30pm, CC has invited the Rosemead Fire Department to bring a fire truck to conduct a fire drill in the church parking lot. All kids and parents are welcome to participate.
  4. Labor Day (9/5): Pastoral office will be close on Tuesday 9/6.
  5. Student Ministries: On 9/9 (Fri) from 7pm, there will be an initiation/welcome night for new middle and high schoolers (6th and 9th graders) during Friday Night Fellowship on church campus. We invite all students and parents to join this occasion. Food will be prepared with potluck so come and enjoy our time together!
  6. Heart Keeper Ministry: There will be a time of music that we can come and enjoy on the Sunday of 9/11 from 1:30-2:30pm at our chapel. Admission free so please invite your friends and family to join us.

Upcoming: Holy Communion (9/11)

Prayer Requests

Pray for Our Church (EFCLA)

  • Pray for Recruitment: Pastors and elders are recruiting the candidates of elders and deacons for the next year.  Pray that the recruitment would be smooth, so that the church would have adequate leaders to carry on different ministries in next year.
  • Pray for Happiness Groups: Our Fall Happiness Group will begin on September 11th. Pray that the Lord would move our brothers and sisters to have a burden in evangelism, and form different happiness groups to reach out to their family, friends, or neighbors.
  • Pray for fathers.  May God raise up every father to be a watchman for his children, and ask the Lord to strengthen their hearts, not to lose heart in failure, and not to give up in weakness. Pray that the Lord will break the curse of the father on the child in the past. Pray for the Lord to release the past domination of fathers over children. May the Lord help fathers to be willing to begin to accompany them with love, to wait in faith, and to turn the hearts of fathers and children back to Jesus, and to be willing to follow Jesus all their lives and become a vessel available to the Lord.
  • Pray for the Sick. Pray that the Lord would heal those who are sick and restore their heath and strength.  

Pray for the world

  • Pray for Pakistan. Pakistan is experiencing unprecedented torrential floods that have killed at least 903 people, including 326 children, and displaced thousands since mid-June! We pray that the Lord will give wisdom to the government and relief agencies so that they can have good strategies to deal with it. We also ask the Lord Jesus to help the displaced, experience His provision and guidance, and comfort the bereaved families. We also ask Lord to raise up local churches to bear witness to His glory in the midst of adversity. May the Lord light up Pakistan, so that every dark place begins to raise up a voice calling on you to turn the land back.

Faithful Servants

This Week Next Week
Speaker Jacky Yang Scott Changchien
Presider Jacky Yang Eddie Sun
Worship Joel Lee Eddie Sun
Ushers Li Chen
Matthew Chuang
Samuel Wang
Leslie Yang
Sydney Yang
Midweek Prayer Meeting Jacky Yang Jacky Yang

Your Faithful Participation

Your faithful participation August 28, 2022
Hybrid Worship Service 89
Hybrid Sunday School   0