Order of Service

October 30, 2022

Call to Worship Scripture, Prayer Eddie Sun
Worship in Song Music and Singing Eddie Sun
Worship in Fellowship Welcome and Announcements Jacky Yang
Worship in Word Just Mercy Charlotte Lin Yang
Worship in Giving and Response Tithes and Offering Eddie Sun

Sermon Notes

Title: Just Mercy

Passage: Isaiah 58:1-14


  1. Children’s Congregation:
    1) Today at 12:45-2:30pm, CC will have a trunk n treat at the back parking lots. You are welcome to invite your friends to join the event.
    2) CM Christmas Baptism on 12/18 (Sun) from 12:45-2:30pm at church courtyard, and Baptism Classes total 4 sessions (11/6, 13, 12/4, 11). Please sign up with Ruth for your child(ren) if they are willing to be baptized.
    3) 11/13 (Sun) from 12:45-1:30pm, CC has invited the Rosemead Fire Department to bring a fire truck to conduct a fire drill in the church parking lot. All kids and parents are welcome to participate.
    4) 11/20 Sunday afternoon 12:45-2:00pm there will be a teacher and teaching assistant training session for the Winter  semester (Dec-Feb) at CM 2nd floor.
  2. Daylight Saving Time: It will end on 11/05 so from 11/6(Sun) please turn your clock back for one hour (ex. from 2am to 1am). Please be aware of it.
  3. 2023 Devotional Materials: Now you can subscribe to the devotional materials for 2023.  Living Life (for adults), Sena (for G7-12), and I Love Jesus (for G4-6 and G1-3) are all $84 per year. The deadline is 11/13, so please sign up with your fellowship or small group with your payment. Thank you!
  4. Thanksgiving Baptism (11/20): We would like to encourage sisters and brothers that are considering getting baptized to join baptism classes in preparation of the baptism on Thanksgiving Sunday. Please reach out to your advisors or pastors for more information
  5. Church Lunch: The estimated additional budget for lunch is $27,500 through August to December. Please keep this need in your prayers and support this ministry with donation if you are able.
  6. Courtyard Renovation: The renovation of North Courtyard is near completion. We have raised $42,884.38 so far for the estimated budget ($80,000). Please continue to pray for this project and the necessary funds. (Memo: Courtyard).
  7. Winter Retreat 2022:  This year there will be a retreat planned together with all EFC churches’ English ministries from 12/29/2022 to 1/1/2023 in Big Bear. All church families are welcome to participate since there will be adult/youth and children’s tracks. Church will subsidize $80 for students and more information on the registration page: www.efcchurches.org/2022-winter-retreat.

Upcoming: Holy Communion (11/6)

Prayer Requests

Pray for Our Church (EFCLA)

  • Pray for Winter Retreat.  Pastor Jacky is the coordinator of this year’s Winter Retreat.  Pray that the Lord would strengthen him and raise up people to help him finish the preparation of this retreat.  Pray that we have enough fund to cover to cost of transportation.
  • Pray for Outreach Ministries: Pray for those who have made their decision for Christ would receive their baptism.  Please pray that our seekers would return for more meetings. Pray also for the outreach teams.
  • Pray for the Sick. Pray that the Lord would heal those who are sick and restore their heath and strength.  

Pray for the world

  • Pray for Hausa People.  The Maouri Hausa people of the Maouri Valley in Niger are farmers and traders who have stayed loyal to their African religion and resisted conversion to Islam.  This also means that they have been resistant to Christianity, even more so because they associate it with colonialism.  Miraculously, some Maouri Hausa have become believers in Jesus.  Pray that God would work powerfully in the few believers, that they would draw the Maouri Hausa to put their faith in the Lord.
  • Pray for Brunei.  In Brunei, while Christians do not face outright violence, converts from Islam can be punished under law and face great pressure from their communities to return to the Muslim faith.  Non-traditional Christian communities cannot be registered as churches and are therefore treated as secular organizations that are subject to financial and operational oversight from the government.  Pray that Christians in Brunei would resist the temptation to convert back to Islam and that church would be free to worship without restriction.

Faithful Servants

This Week Next Week
Speaker Charlotte Lin Yang Jacky Yang
Presider Jacky Yang Jacky Yang
Worship Eddie Sun Joel Lee
Ushers TBA
Elliott Chou
Isabel Chou
Sam Wang
Andrea  Hsieh
Midweek Prayer Meeting Jacky Yang Jacky Yang

Your Faithful Participation

Your faithful participation October 23, 2022
Hybrid Worship Service 90
Hybrid Sunday School 8