Order of Service

January 1, 2023

Call to Worship Scripture, Prayer Eddie Sun
Worship in Song Music and Singing Eddie Sun
Worship in Fellowship Welcome and Announcements TBA
Worship in Word New Years Communion Eddie Sun
Worship in Giving and Response Tithes and Offering Eddie Sun

Sermon Notes

Title: New Years Communion

Passage: 1 CORINTHIANS 11:17-26


  • Devotional Material: 2023 January “Living Life” is available for pick up at the church office.
  • Facility: 1/3-4 our church office will be closed due to New Year Holidays.
  • Finance Department: By 12/31/2022, the church offering is still short of approximately $80,000.00 for year 2022 budget. Please keep this need in your prayers and give if you are able.
  • Courtyard Renovation: The renovation of North Courtyard is near completion. The comma in the amount should be fixed to $69,543.00 for the estimated budget ($80,000.00). Please continue to pray for this project and the necessary funds. (Memo: Courtyard).
  • Pastoral Office: On 1/15 (Sun), there will be an ordination service for Minister Scott Changchien at 2:30pm in the main sanctuary. Reception will follow. Please sign up with the pastoral office at 626-450-7676 or huiling@efcla.org.
  • Installation: New coworkers, deacons, and elders’ installation will take place in the worship service on the Sunday of 1/8/2023. Praise the Lord for their hearts to serve God’s church. Let us pray for our new church leadership.
  • Expanded Council Meeting (1/8): EFCLA’s expanded council meeting will be held on 1/8/2023 at 1:30 pm at the English chapel. For all pastors, zone pastors, staff, elders, deacons, advisors, chairmen, and small group leaders, please re-serve your time for this meeting.

Upcoming: Holy Communion (1/1/2023)

Prayer Requests

Pray for Our Church (EFCLA)

  • Pray for the church. Pray that the Lord would revive His church to seek Him earnestly in devoting herself in prayer, reaching out, and loving one another.
  • Pray for Church Leaders. Pray for our elders, deacons, advisers, and group leaders. Pray that the Lord would unite us to carry out the vision of preaching the gospel and disciple-making. 
  • Pray for the Sick.  Pray that the Lord would heal those who are sick and restore their health and strength.  

Pray for the world

  • Pray for Church in the US.  Pray that revival comes to church in the US. Pray that people would repent, forsake their wickedness, obey God’s Word, and preach the gospel fervently.
  • Pray for Health.  After New Year’s Day, students go back to school, and adults go back to work. Pray that everyone would be healthy at schools and their workplaces.

Faithful Servants

This Week  Next Week
Speaker Eddie Sun Jacky Yang
Presider TBA TBA
Worship Eddie Sun TBA
Ushers Victor Ho Jennifer Yean
Midweek Prayer Meeting Jacky Yang Jacky Yang


Your Faithful Participation

Your faithful participation December 25, 2022
Hybrid Worship Service 91
Hybrid Sunday School