Order of Service

January 22, 2023

Call to Worship Scripture, Prayer Tiffany Sun
Worship in Song Music and Singing Tiffany Sun
Worship in Fellowship Welcome and Announcements James Lee
Worship in Word The Power of Words Eddie Sun
Worship in Giving and Response Tithes and Offering Tiffany Sun

Sermon Notes

Title: The Power of Words

Passage: James 3:1-12


  • Church Lunch Service :  The Sunday lunch provided by our church costs over $80,000 per year. We are still short by $60,000. We would like to ask our brothers and sisters to pray for this deficit and to give if you are able. Please use the offering memo “lunch”.
  • Children’s Congregation :
    1) The earthquake drill will be held today, Jan 22nd, at 11:30am.
    2) We are looking for teachers and helpers for VBS (Vacation Bible Study) this summer from June 12th-June 16th. Please contact Ruth(ext.16), our CC director, to sign up.
  • Ministry Department: 
    There will be a Lunar New Year event this afternoon from 12:45 to 2:30pm in the church courtyard.  There will be traditional games, crafts, couplets writing, snacks and red envelopes for kids.  Please join us following the service.
  • Finance Department:
     1) We will be handing out the 2022 offering receipts on Jan 29th and Feb 5th in the main lobby. If there are any changes to your name or address, please contact the office at (626) 450-7676 or email info@efcla.org to make the changes.
     2) As of Dec 31, 2022, the total church offering amount is still short of the 2022 budget by approximately $60,000. Please keep this need in your prayers and give if you are able.
  • Operation Department: The office tenant in the southwest corner of the church, Microgage, is about to relocate, so the church will start renting out that office space. May the Lord lead us to find suitable new tenants.
  • Courtyard Renovation: The renovation of the north courtyard is near completion. Currently, the offering amount given for the renovation is $68,017.71, and the estimated cost of the renovation is $92,466.88, so we are still short by just $24,449.17. Please continue to pray for this project and the necessary funds. (Offering memo: Courtyard)

Upcoming: Holy Communion (Feb 5th)

Prayer Requests

Pray for Our Church (EFCLA)

  • Pray for the Church. Starting next week, the church will open membership classes and various co-worker training and discipleship training courses. May the Lord use these courses to equip disciples so that they can continue to be used by the Lord.
  • Pray for the coronavirus to stop mutating. The new subvariant XBB.1.5 of the new coronavirus has caused concern around the world. It is spreading rapidly in the United States and other places, triggering a new wave of infections. Recently, under the outbreak in China after the lockdown, the world has also begun to worry about the accelerated spread of this variant and even secondary infections. Pray that the Lord will stop the mutation of the new coronavirus and prevent the threat of the XBB.1.5 virus to the world.
  • Pray for the Sick.  Pray that the Lord would heal those who are sick and restore their health and strength. .

Pray for the world

  • Pray for Taiwan and China relations.  May the Lord give the leaders of the governments on both sides of the Taiwan Strait a heart of harmony, and wisdom to preserve the peaceful relationship that successive dynasties have worked hard to establish. May the Lord help the commanders-in-chief and national defense leaders on both sides of the strait to recognize the insignificance and limitation of human beings, and turn to humbly seek God, and they will find when they seek.
  • Pray for Israel.  The Central Bureau of Statistics published a report on December 25, 2022. The Christian population in Israel has grown by 2% compared to last year, and there are currently 1.9% of Christians in the country. Representing the number of Christians reaching 185,000. Among them, 75.8% are Arabs, accounting for nearly 70% of the Arab population in the country. Pray for the expansion of the Gospel in Israel. We pray that Lord raises up more churches and Christians to preach the Gospel to the Jews and Arabs in Israel, and also pray for the far-right government led by Netanyahu, who is in charge of the Israeli regime again, Israel Many domestic voices are worried that this will suppress the rights and interests of religiously disadvantaged groups. And Christians are likely to be one of the targeted groups. Pray for the continued growth of the Christian population in Israel, and may God continue to do His work in the last days.

Faithful Servants

This Week Next Week
Speaker Eddie Sun Chloe Sun
Presider James Lee Emily Doo
Worship Tiffany Sun Joel Lee
Ushers Yilin Aragon Lihsueh Chen
Midweek Prayer Meeting


Your Faithful Participation

Your faithful participation January 15, 2023
Hybrid Worship Service 88
Hybrid Sunday School