Order of Service

February 12, 2023

Call to Worship Scripture, Prayer Eddie Sun
Worship in Song Music and Singing Eddie Sun
Worship in Fellowship Welcome and Announcements Eddie Sun
Worship in Word Where is the Ark of God? Scott Changchien
Worship in Giving and Response Tithes and Offering Eddie Sun

Sermon Notes

Title: Where is the Ark of God?

Passage: 1 Samuel 4:11

“The ark of God was captured, and Eli’s two sons, Hophni and Phinehas, died”( The glory of the Lord departed from Israel.) 


  • Finance Department: 
    1) We will be handing out the 2022 offering receipts on Jan 29th and Feb 5th in the main lobby. If there are any changes to your name or address, please contact the office at (626) 450-7676 or email info@efcla.org to make the changes.  
    2) As of Dec 31, 2022, the total church offering amount is still short of the 2022 budget by approximately $60,000. Please keep this need in your prayers and give if you are able.
  • Children’s Congregation :
    1) 2/19 Sunday afternoon 12:45-2:00pm there will be a teacher and teaching assistant training session for the Spring semester (March-May) at CM 2nd floor, snack and child care will be provided.  
    2) We are recruiting teachers and helpers for VBS (Vacation Bible Study) this summer from June 12th-June 16th. Please contact Ruth(ext.16), our CC director, to sign up.
  • Church Lunch Service: The annual cost of our lunch ministries is $80,000. We are still short of $60,000 from last year. Please pray for the ministries. We welcome your financial support for lunch ministries. Please note “lunch” when you give.
  • Operation Department: The office tenant in the southwest corner of the church, Micro-Gage, is about to relocate, so the church will start renting out that office space. May the Lord lead us to find suitable new tenants.

Upcoming: Holy Communion (3/5)

Prayer Requests

Pray for Our Church (EFCLA)

  • Pray for leader discipleship training. There will be a happiness university training every Saturday starting from 2/4, and there will be leader discipleship training from 2/14-16. Pray that the participating elders, deacons, counselors, and group leaders can equip themselves, grow spiritually, and become servant leaders after God’s will.
  • Pray for Whole Person Renewal Camp. 2/17-18 Whole Person Renewal Camp led by Pastor Guo Kuanzong. Pray that the brothers and sisters who will participate can experience the Holy Spirit, regain their strength, heal those who are weak physically, and stir up those who are lacking in spirit. 
  • Pray for Brothers & Sisters who are weak.  Pray for brothers and sisters who are experiencing weakness, and ask God to heal them so that their bodies and minds can be healed and restored to health. 

Pray for the world

  • Pray for the gun violence in America.  Pray for hurt by the recent gun violence in our state. May God give wisdom to our leaders and shine light into this darkness.
  • Pray for Turkey.  A huge earthquake killed more than thousands of people across a swathe of Turkey and northwest Syria on Monday, with freezing winter weather adding to the plight of the thousands left injured or homeless and hampering efforts to find survivors. We pray for the victims of the earthquake that God’s Peace will reach all those affected, and the community to be able to support humanitarian efforts in those areas.

Faithful Servants

This Week Next Week
Speaker Scott Changchien Jacky Yang
Presider Eddie Sun James Lee
Worship Eddie Sun Tiffany Sun
Ushers Jennifer Yean Connie Shi
Midweek Prayer Meeting Jacky Yang Jacky Yang

Your Faithful Participation

Your faithful participation February 5, 2023
Hybrid Worship Service 84
Hybrid Sunday School 8