Order of Service

April 9, 2023

Call to Worship Scripture, Prayer Eddie Sun
Worship in Song Music and Singing Eddie Sun
Worship in Fellowship Welcome and Announcements Eddie Sun
Worship in Word Victory in Defeat Jacky Yang
Worship in Giving and Response Tithes and Offering Eddie Sun

Sermon Notes

Title: Victory in Defeat

Passage: John 20:19-23


  • Baptism: Our brother Timothy Lee will be baptized in today’s worship service. Let us welcome him into this loving family in Christ with joy!
  • Glocal Department: This year the short term mission teams are raising fund around $50,000 for the budget. The fundraiser will take place from today in the courtyard. Please come and support our church mission works.
  • Children’s Congregation:
    1) We are looking for helpers for VBS dinner prepara-tion on June 12-16th, at 5:30pm. Please contact Ruth for information.
    2) If your child is interested in VBS, see flyer and contact Ruth for signing up.
  • Church Lunch Service:
    1) Thank Lord, we have received $28,324.00 for our lunch fund so far.
    2) We are looking for co-workers for – Packing lunch boxes from 10:30-12pm on Sunday once a month. – Arrangement and put away courtyard chairs, tea preparation and clearance of trash on Sundays. Those who are willing to serve, please contact the church office at 626-450-7676.
  • Mother’s Day (5/14): Sunday church will have a joint worship service at 10:30am in the main sanctuary to celebrate Mother’s Day. Care department will dedicate a gift to very mother afterwards. Lunch boxes will be served.
  • SoCal Prayer Conference (5/19): The Southern California Prayer Conference and Revival Prayer Groups (RPG) are dedicated to revival prayer on 5/19 (Fri) 7:30-9:30, 5/20 (Sat) 2:00-5:30pm. Group registration (10 people or more): $10/person.  Child care registration required. Please sign up with church office.  Through small groups, we will ignite the heart of the church, walk in Godly unity and establish an army of prayer warriors. 
  • Charity Fundraiser: Our church is joining the World Vision’s “Global 6K for Water” event to raise funds for countries that are in lack of clean water. Time: 9:30am on 5/20 (Sat), Venue: Rosemead Park, Team Name: EFCLA, and Captain: Pastor Johnson. The goal is to raise $3,000. The registration fee is $50 including a t-shirt. You can also donate without running. Please register or donate by 5/14 at website: global6k.worldvision.org/team/efcla.
  • Operation Department: The office tenant in the southwest corner of the church, Micro-Gage, is about to relocate, so the church will start renting out that office space. May the Lord lead us to find suitable new tenants.

Upcoming: Holy Communion (5/7)

Prayer Requests


  • Pray for the Evangelism. April is our “The Missions month”. Please pray for all the mission needs. This year’s our mission ministries include: “Happiness group”, D2B one-on-one ministry, VBS, short-term missions in Kyrgyzstan, and Taiwan Taichung Care church, and some brothers and sisters partici-pated in “West Coast Short-term Missions”. May God provide for all our fi-nancial needs, and keep our short-term mission teams serving and safe in different places.
  • Pray for Church. Since the “Asbury revival” started in February, it has gradually affected the United States and all parts of the world and began to pray for “spiritual revival”. May the fire of revival and worship continue to burn, so that the work of the Holy Spirit will not stop, so that God’s people will be filled with the desire for holiness, confess sins and repent, spread the gospel, and bring about changes in the country, society, com-munity, and campus.
  • Pray for the Sick. Pray that the Lord would heal those who are sick and re-store their heath and strength.


  • Pray for the Nations.  With the convenience of online shopping, the way to buy drugs is more diversified than before. Drug dealers changed the names of drugs to “tea bags”, “biscuits”, and “candy” to cover up, and used convenience stores as trading locations to become channels for buyers to obtain drugs. After using drugs, drug addicts have a wrong perception of entertainment and trend culture. May the Lord give grace and healing, so that people can see the danger and fear of drugs, and stay away from all poisons.

Faithful Servants

This Week Next Week
Speaker Jacky Yang Dave Fenska
Presider Eddie Sun James Lee
Worship Eddie Sun Tiffany Sun
Ushers Jennifer Yean Jeffery Chen
Midweek Prayer Meeting Jacky Yang Jacky Yang

Your Faithful Participation

Your faithful participation April 2, 2023
Hybrid Worship Service 117
Hybrid Sunday School