Order of Service

July 16, 2023

Call to Worship Scripture, Prayer Eddie Sun
Worship in Song Music and Singing Eddie Sun
Worship in Fellowship Welcome and Announcements James Lee
Worship in Word Mission I-M-Possible Jacky Yang
Worship in Giving and Response Tithes and Offering Eddie Sun

Sermon Notes

Title: Mission I-M-Possible

Passage: Acts 13:46-49


  • Care Department: There will be a welcome lunch on 7/30 at 12:45 pm for new friends who have joined our church recently. Please invite friends to come fellowship together!
  • Church Report: 1) The church council passed the 2023 amendment budget last week. 2) In the first half of 2023, we have received 41% of the annual budget in offerings. May God continue to provide for the completion of various gospel ministries. 3) We would like to encourage our church members to fellowship with new friends with our biweekly lunch. The annual cost of the church’s meals is about $80,000 (an average of $180 per person a year). The donations received in the first half of the year amounted to 42% of the annual budget. Please pray that God will continually provide through lunch funds. *If you would like to make a special donation through check or cash offering, please use the church offering envelope, and please indicate lunch in the memo.
  • Church Lunch Service: 
    1) Thank the Lord, we have received $37,404 for our lunch fund so far.
    2) We are looking for co-workers for – Packing lunch boxes from 10:30-12pm on Sunday once a month, arranging and putting away courtyard chairs, tea preparation and clearance of trash on Sundays. Those who are willing to serve, please contact the church office at 626-450-7676.
  • Agape Education Center: The Montessori School is starting to recruit students aged 2-6 years old. If you want more information or to visit the school, please contact 626-450-7686 to leave a message.

Upcoming: Holy Communion (8/6)

Prayer Requests


  • Pray for Upcoming STM Teams: Pray for the team members who are going to the West Coast of Taiwan on 07/22-07/29, which include Pastor Josh Sun & his wife Janet, Tiffany Sun, Stephanie Sun, Emily Sun, Andrea Hsieh, Timothy Wu, and Joshua Sun. May God protect them and help them adapt to the hot weather, local cuisine, and culture. May they have meaningful interactions with local students and lead them to Jesus. Additionally, pray for the team members going to El Cajon from 7/30-8/4. Pray that as they encounter the local Middle Eastern refugee communities, God will give them love, faith, and patience to connect and communicate with them. May our team have a heart of unity in service and be witnesses of our Lord Jesus.
  • Pray for our church’s financial needs: The Council meeting has completed the financial budget review for the first half of this year by the end of June. The contributions received in the first half of year have only reached 41% of the annual budget. Please pray that God will provide the necessary funds for us this year so that there will be no lack in any ministry needs of the church.
  • Pray for the sick. Pray that Lord would heal those who are sick and restore their health and strength.


  • Pray for Uganda: The broad Christian population in Uganda is over 84%, with 39% being Catholics. Additionally, the proportion of Muslims is nearly 14%. In recent years, extremist Muslims have been continuously burning churches and attacking Christians. Pray for the protection of the lives of threatened Ugandan Christians and the prevention of all evil deeds by extremist Muslims.

Faithful Servants

This Week’s Service Next Week
Speaker Jacky Yang Scott Changchien
Presider James Lee Emily Doo
Worship Eddie Sun Joel Lee
Ushers Jeffery Chen Yilin Aragon
Midweek Prayer Meeting Jacky Yang Jacky Yang

Your Faithful Participation

Your faithful participation July 9th, 2023
Hybrid Worship Service 82
Hybrid Sunday School