Order of Service

September 3, 2023

Call to Worship Scripture, Prayer Joel Lee
Worship in Song Music and Singing Joel Lee
Worship in Fellowship Welcome and Announcements Emily Doo
Worship in Word Now & Then- Already and Not Yet Scott Changchien
Worship in Giving and Response Tithes and Offering Joel Lee

Sermon Notes

Title: Now & Then- Already and Not Yet

Passage: Matthew 6:33

Matthew 6:33
 “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”


  • Devotional Material: 2023 September “Living Life” is available for picking up at the church office.
  • Children’s Congregation: 1) New school year 2023-24 registration is on now.  Please check the church website EFCLA.org.
  • Labor Day (9/4): Pastoral office will be closed on Tuesday 9/5.
  • September Baptism (9/17): There will be an occasion for baptism on 9/17.  In preparation of that, baptism class will be on 9/10 from 1:30-3:00pm in the Scratch room (115A).  Please contact Pastor Jacky if you need further information.
  • Church Lunch Service: Thank the Lord, we have received $44,812.55 for our lunch fund so far.  If you would like to make a lunch special donation through check or cash offering, please use the church offering envelope, and please indicate lunch in the memo.
  • Agape Education Center: The Montessori School is starting to recruit students aged 2-6 years old. If you want more information or to visit the school, please contact 626-450-7686 to leave a message.

Upcoming: Holy Communion (9/10)

Prayer Requests


  • Pray for Renewal Camp and Happiness Group. We are going to have the “Life Renewal Camp” on 9/8-9. May God lead the brothers and sisters who participating can experience the renewal of the Holy Spirit, receiving healing and deliverance. The Happiness Group will start on 9/24. May the Lord enable us to invite unbelieving friends to experience the new life in the Lord Jesus. Hope more brothers and sisters who are willing to participate in this ministry and serve together.
  • Pray for Children Sunday school. Our CC is starting a new season in Sep-tember. Let us pray that every child will accept Jesus Christ as their savior and Lord of their life. Hope they develop an intimate relationship with God and love to know Jesus. Let us also help parents to have a positive interac-tion with Sunday school teachers and to live out their faith with their chil-dren in daily life. Pray for teachers teach Bible to children with all their heart, accompany them with love, prepare lessons faithfully, and become excellent children’s servants.
  • Pray for the Sick. Pray that the Lord would heal those who are sick and re-store their health and strength.


  • Pray for Vietnam.  Vietnam is one of the countries that persecute Christians, but not long ago, Vietnam held a large-scale evangelistic gathering with over 40,000 attendees, of which more than 4,300 people accepted Jesus. Family churches in Vietnam are always under government surveillance, and Christians are treated differently in society. May the Lord strengthen the faith of those who are determined and make the life-giving gospel flourish throughout Vietnam.

Faithful Servants

This Week’s Service Next Week
Speaker Scott Changchien Jacky Yang
Presider Emily Doo Eddie Sun
Worship Joel Lee Eddie Sun
Ushers  Alan Qi Jennifer Yean
Midweek Prayer Meeting Jacky Yang Jacky Yang

Your Faithful Participation

Your faithful participation August 27, 2023
Hybrid Worship Service 119