Order of Service

January 28, 2024

Call to Worship Scripture, Prayer Tiffany Sun
Worship in Song Music and Singing Tiffany Sun
Worship in Fellowship Welcome and Announcements James Lee
Worship in Word John the Baptist the Preacher Eddie Sun
Worship in Giving and Response Tithes and Offering Tiffany Sun

Sermon Notes

Title: John the Baptist the Preacher

Passage: Mark 6:14-29


  • Finance Department: Offering receipts are available for pickup today and on 2/4. If you’ve changed your mailing address in the past year, please update it by calling 626-450-7676 or emailing info@efcla.org.
  • Fellowship: Oikos Men will start the Rooted series on 1/30. Contact Pastor Scott if interested.
  • Main sanctuary LED screen project: The church is upgrading the main sanctuary’s projector to an LED screen for a brighter & better quality display. The pro-ject cost approximately $70,000. Please pray for the provision for this project. If you would like to donate to this project, you can mark your offering as– LED SCREENS.
  • Student Ministry Announcement: Starting in February, Student Ministry launches a weekly Sunday School for middle and high school students at 10 AM in Room 109D/E. For inquiries, contact Pastors Leona or Jacky.
  • In-person Wednesday Prayer Meeting: Starting from 1/31, the last Wednesday of the month prayer meeting will be held in person at 7:30pm in English Chapel. All are invited to worship, praise, and pray together.
  • Glocal Outreach:
    1) The “Reflection, Review and Re-Vision, Becoming a missional disciple” will be held at the English Chapel on 2/3 Saturday from 9:30 to 12:00am. Lunch will be provided. All who have participated VBS missions and all who are interested in next year STM are invited. Please register with Pastor Scott (drscott@gmail.com) or church officer huiling@efcla.org by 2/1.
    2) On 2/11 Sunday from 12:45-2:30 pm will be the Lunar New Year special event in the center courtyard. We ask support from all fellowships and please invite new friends to join us. We will have various traditional games and delicious snacks. UCLA Asian Pacific American Health Care will join us with staff and medical students to provide health screening and seminars. For booth sign up or questions please contact: Jim Su jimsujimsu@gmail.com, (626) 512-6358.
  • Devotional Material: February 2024’s “Living Life” is available at the church office for pickup.
  • Church Lunch Service: Our annual estimated lunch fund is $200/ person. If you would like to make a special donation for lunch through a check or cash offering, please use the church offering envelope and indicate “lunch” in the memo.
  • Upcoming: Holy Communion (2/4)

Prayer Requests


  • Pray for Revival. Pray that our church would be fervent to the Lord through the mighty work of the Spirit. People would forsake their pride of life and lust of eyes and flesh, but devote themselves to prayer, study the Word of God diligently, love to share the gospel. Miracles and wonders continue to happen among us.
  • Prayer for Revival Camp. Pray that many people of our church would sign up for the Revival Camp on Feb 9 and 10. We pray people would experience the work of the Spirit and their faith would be renewed. Pray that the Lord would bless and bring down revival through the speaker, Pastor Xing-Fu Tseng, and his team.
  • Pray for Cantonese Service. Our church will change the Cantonese Sunday service from bi-weekly to weekly from February. Pray that the Lord would lead those Cantonese speaking believers who are seeking a church to ours. We also pray that the Cantonese speaking brothers and sisters would reach out and bring many to the Lord. Pray that the Lord would raise up many new leaders to serve Him among them.
  • Pray for the Sick. Pray that the Lord would heal those who are sick and re-store their health and strength.


  • Prayer for France. Known for its art, fashion, and cuisine, France is the most visited tourist destination in the world.  Most of its population is nominally Christian, with around fifty million having no connection to any church and 80 percent never having touched the Bible.  Because atheist and post-modern relativity are prevalent philosophies, many are caught in a cycle of despair and hopelessness, leading to a high number of suicides.  Still, there is hope as dozens of churches are being planted every year.  Pray for the suicide rates to go down as people find hope in Christ.  Praise God for the church plants that are growing every year.

Faithful Servants

This Week’s Service Next Week
Speaker Eddie Sun Jacky Yang
Presider James Lee Jacky Yang
Worship Tiffany Sun Tiffany Sun
Ushers Jennifer / Andrea Alan / Kolistin
Midweek Prayer Meeting Jacky Yang Jacky Yang

Your Faithful Participation

Your faithful participation January 21, 2024
Hybrid Worship Service 117