Order of Service

February 25, 2024

Call to Worship Scripture, Prayer Tiffany Sun
Worship in Song Music and Singing Tiffany Sun
Worship in Fellowship Welcome and Announcements James Lee
Worship in Word A Pleasing Aroma Leona Chen
Worship in Giving and Response Tithes and Offering Tiffany Sun

Sermon Notes

Title:  A Pleasing Aroma

Passage: Romans 12:1-13


  • Devotional Material: March 2024’s “Living Life” is available at the church office for pickup.
  • Children Ministry: The Easter baptism ceremony will be held on 3 / 31, 1- 2 pm at the church courtyard. The Baptized class will be on 3 / 3, 10. 17, 24 / 2024, Sunday afternoon 12: 30 -1: 30 pm, if you are interested in join this class, please contact Ruth.
  • Easter Baptism (3/31): We would like to invite brothers and sisters that are considering baptism to go through baptism classes in March to prepare for this occasion. Feel free to reach out to your advisors, Pastor Leona, or Pastor Jacky for more details.
  • Daylight Saving Time (3/10): Summer daylight saving will begin on 3/10 (Sun). Please turn your clock one hour forward on the night before that Sunday.
  • Church Meeting :
    1) 3/3(Sun) Council Meeting will be postpone to 4/7 1:30pm at English Chapel. Pastors, ministers, elders, deacons are all invited to participate.
    2) The Elder Board meeting will be right after the previous meeting.
  • EFC Memorial Service (3/23): Southern California EFC Memorial Service will be held at Hua Yuan Center at Rose Hills Memorial Park on 3/23. We welcome all Brothers and Sisters to join this event together. Please contact EFC Foundation to reserve seats: Jennifer at (909) 671-6572.
  • Main sanctuary LED screen project: The church is upgrading the main sanctuary’s projector to an LED screen for a brighter & better quality display. The project cost approximately $70,000. Please pray for the provision for this project. If you would like to donate to this project, you can mark your offering as– LED SCREENS..
  • Church Lunch Offering: The church lunch is estimated to be $200/ person annually. If you would like to make a special donation for lunch through a check or cash offering, please use the church offering envelope and indicate “lunch” in the memo.
  • Student Ministry Announcement: Student Ministry launches a weekly Sunday School for middle and high school students at 10 AM in Room 109D/E. For inquiries, contact Pastors Leona or Jacky.
  • Upcoming: Holy Communion (3/3)

Prayer Requests


  • Pray for spring Happiness Group. The Fall Happiness Group outreach has started. Pray for the preparation for each Happiness group, and the invitation of Best to Happiness Group meetings.
  • Prayer for for the pastoral team of EFCLA. Please pray for the pastoral team of EFCLA so they may have wisdom, love and patience from above, so that they can continue to serve the church according to God’s will. Pray for His blood to cover them up so that they can resist the various attacks from the devil, and support their family’s needs, so that they can focus on ministries. Pray that the Lord will give them the vision from heaven, in this chaotic and dark age, that all the co-workers and brothers and sisters are united, putting their efforts to spread the gospel.
  • Pray for Countries/Regions Affected by Extreme Weather Storms. Pray for countries and regions around the globe currently experiencing severe snowstorms due to extreme weather. We lift up nations and areas like the United States, mainland China, Japan, and others affected by the harsh cold storms at this moment. Lord, we ask for a decrease in the inconvenience caused by the storms in daily life and transportation. Please safeguard the physical, mental, and spiritual well-being of all people, especially the elderly and those with cardiovascular diseases. 
  • Pray for the Sick. Pray that the Lord would heal those who are sick and restore their health and strength.


  • Pray for Peace in the World Situation. Let us continually pray for peace in the world situation. May the Lord safe-guard regions like the Red Sea crisis, and North and South Korea, and en-sure safety. We also beseech the Lord to reign and rule in areas still en-gulfed in conflicts, such as the Russia-Ukraine war, and the conflict in the Middle East. Remove all schemes devised by humans, halt all imminent cri-ses, and safeguard the physical, mental, and spiritual well-being of all inno-cent civilians. May the God of Israel watch over all their needs!

Faithful Servants

This Week’s Service Next Week
Speaker Leona Chen Jacky Yang
Presider James Lee Jacky Yang
Worship Tiffany Sun Joel Lee
Ushers Alan / Kolistin Yilin Aragon
Midweek Prayer Meeting Jacky Yang Jacky Yang

Your Faithful Participation

Your faithful participation February 18, 2024
Hybrid Worship Service 135