Order of Service

February 21, 2021

Call to Worship  Scripture, Prayer Arthur Au
Worship in Song  Music and Singing Arthur Au
Worship in Fellowship  Welcome and Announcements James Lee
Worship in Word  Follow Jesus Jacky Yang
Worship in Giving and Response  Tithes and Offering Arthur Au

Sermon Notes

Title: Follow Jesus

Passage: Luke 9:23-24


Mission Department: In order to connect our church family with the missionaries we support and to provide the opportunity to get to know them and their ministries better, the mission department is attempting different ways to make it happen. On 2/25 (Thu), we will invite Pastor Chang who is doing missions in Central Asia to share, fellowship, and pray together. The meeting is primarily in Mandarin but we would like to invite you all to participate. Meeting ID: 885 175 7613 with no passcode.
Worship Team Retreat (2/27): Our worship team leaders are planning a retreat for current worship team members and people who would like to be involved. It will be on 2/27 (Sat) 1-4pm and tentatively online. Please respond to the invitation if you have received it or reach out to the worship leaders for more in-formation.
Official Church LINE Account: Please add EFCLA official LINE account @329wfgvn as a friend so you can receive the latest news and information about our church activities.
Baptism Class: 1) For those who would like to be baptized on Easter (4/4), please reach out to your advisors, fellowship leaders, or pastors for more de-tails. 2) For the children that would like to be baptized, please sign up with Children Congregation (CC) Director Ruth (x16). CC will host Baptism Class on 3/6, 13, 20, 27 (Sat) 11am-12pm through Zoom online meeting.
Recruitment: We are looking for advisors and helpers to join our ministries to bless and inspire our college, high school, and middle school students. Feel free to reach out if you feel called and would like to know more about it.
Upcoming: Worship Team Retreat (2/27)

Prayer Requests

Pray for Our Church (EFCLA)

  • Pray for church leaders. Pray for pastors, elders, deacons, advisers, chairpersons, and group leaders.  Pray for adult and children’s Sunday school teachers.
  • Pray for Missionaries. Rick Johnson is from southern California. At age of eighteen, he explored Amazon and decided to serve the tribal people for the Lord. He has been a missionary to that area since 1979. While stationed in Tijuana Mexico Rick met Eunice Kau, a second generation Taiwanese American, whose father is Rev. Samuel Kau, one of the founders of EFC. They got married in 1997 and have been in Venezuela and the vicinity of Amazon since. Pray that the Lord would protect them daily from all diseases, including the COVID-19.  Pray also for uninterrupted medical supplies and that tribal people would respond to and follow Jesus.  
  • Pray for the Sick. Pray for those who are sick. Pray that the Lord would heal them and restore their health.
  • Pray for Happiness Group Ministries. Pray that the Lord would raise up over ten Happiness groups among us.  Pray for the Happiness Group ministry teams.  Pray for the invitation of BEST’s.

Pray for the world

  • Pray for Yemen.  In 2020, there was a surge in the number of children suffering from malnutrition in Yemen.  One in five children under the age of five are estimated to be acutely malnourished.  Due to the nation’s political turmoil and economic decline, in addition to the disrupted humanitarian aid as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the situation is worsening.  Pray that the church’s helping hands will reach the children of Yemen and that they may see Christ in the aid they receive.

Faithful Servants

   Today  Next Sunday
Speaker Jacky Yang Eddie Sun
Presider James Lee Jacky Yang
Worship Arthur Au Joel Lee
Prayer Meeting Arthur Au James Lee

Your Faithful Participation

Your faithful participation February 14, 2021
Online Worship Service 64
Online Sunday School 10