Order of Service

October 17, 2021

Call to Worship  Scripture, Prayer Arthur Au
Worship in Song  Music and Singing Arthur Au
Worship in Fellowship  Welcome and  Announcements James Lee
Worship in Word  Serve One Another Jacky Yang
Worship in Giving and Response  Tithes and Offering Arthur Au

Sermon Notes

Title: Serve One Another

Passage: John 13:34-35


  • Congregational Meeting (Today): 1) EFCLA’s congregational meeting is today from 1:30pm in the main sanctuary. People who are over 18 years old and have been accepted to EFCLA’s membership have the right and obligation to vote for our church’s budget approval and church council candidates for the year 2022. Financial reports are available in physical copies. You can cast your ballots after asking questions and receiving explanations during the meeting. Please take leave of absence with your zone pastors, advisors, or the church office if you cannot attend. 2) After the congregational meeting, we will continue to hold the council meetings in the main sanctuary.
  • 2022 Elder and Deacon Candidate: Elder: Alex Chu, Joe Fang, Alfred Liu. Deacon: Natasha Hsu, Joseph Lee, Cindy Tang, Sunny Sun, Esther Hsu, Irene Tsai, Steven Wu, Anson Kuo, Jenny Yeh.
  • Construction: 1) The restroom renovation is projected to finish in October. 2) Up to date, we still need fifty-some thousand dollars for the project. Please pray for the provision from God for this project. When you make a donation for this project, please denote “building” in the memo.
  • Children Congregation: 1) CC is hosting Trunk or Treat Hallelujah Carnival from 12:45-2:30pm on 10/31 (Sun) at the church parking lot. We welcome our parents and children to invite friends to come and participate. 2) CC is recruiting teachers and helpers for the winter quarter (Dec. 2021- Feb. 2022). Please con-tact CC Director Ruth (ext.16) for more information.
    Baptism Class: For those who are considering being baptized on Thanksgiving Sunday (11/21), please reach out to your advisors, fellowship leaders, or pas-tors for more information.
  • Winter Retreat 2021: HarvestLA is planning a retreat for youth, adults, and families to participate from 12/31/2021 (Fri) to 1/2/2022 (Sun) @ Alpine Meadows Retreat Center in San Bernardino. We plan to live‐stream the Sunday worship service for the Sunday of 1/2/2022 since the majority of the congregation-al leaders will be joining the retreat. We encourage all our church families to sign up for this opportunity to bond. Parents or guardians’ consent is required for participants who are 18 or younger. The cost is $150/person but our church will subsidize $50 for church members so it is $100 for this 3‐day‐2‐night event with 5 meals. Please sign up ASAP so we can plan for transportations earlier on. Registration form: https://tinyurl.com/HLA2021WR

Upcoming: Holy Communion (11/7)

Prayer Requests

Pray for Our Church (EFCLA)

  • Pray for Media Teams. Pray for the media teams.  Pray that the Lord would remember their work making the onsite worship services and live streaming possible.  Pray also for the media teams who produce our YouTube videos for reaching out to a larger audience.
  • Pray for Happiness Groups. Pray for the Happiness Group teams.  Pray that the Lord would give them the spirit of unity and the hearts for loving one another.  Pray that the BESTs would feel the love of God through the life-testimony of the Happiness Group teams.
  • Pray for the Sick.  Pray for those who are sick. Pray that the Lord would heal them and restore their health.  

Pray for the world

  • Pray for Benin. Benin, located in West Africa, is one of the poorest country in the world.  It consists of over 60 ethnic groups, with French as the nation’s official language.  There is no outright persecution or restriction on religious activities but the influence of animism is strong and seeps into Christian churches, diluting the gospel.  Pray that the church in Benin will not conform to animism rituals but stand upon the Word of God.
  • Pray for Ethiopia.  The ongoing armed conflict in Tigray in Northern Ethiopia that began in November has left many dead and injured and about 2 million people displaced. Pray for Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2019, to find a timely and peaceful resolution to this war. Pray for organizations, the church and local believers to be able to bring God’s love and hope as well as practical help. Pray for God’s intervention and his presence to be felt for those affected and those still in danger.

Faithful Servants

   Today  Next Sunday
Speaker  Jacky Yang  Eddie Sun
Presider  James Lee  Emily Doo
Worship  Arthur Au  Joel Lee
Ushers Li Chen

Matthew Chuang /
Timothy Wu


Elizabeth Yee /        Emily Sun

Prayer Meeting Eddie Sun  Jeremy Chuang

Your Faithful Participation

Your faithful participation October 10, 2021
Hybrid Worship Service 81
Hybrid Sunday School 10