Order of Service

November 7, 2021

Call to Worship  Scripture, Prayer Joel Lee
Worship in Song  Music and Singing Joel Lee
Worship in Fellowship  Welcome and  Announcements Jacky Yang
Worship in Word Justice: The Law of Love Jacky Yang
Worship in Giving and Response  Tithes and Offering Joel Lee

Sermon Notes

Title: Justice: The Law of Love

Passage: Micah 6:8


  1. Recruitment: Pastoral office is now recruiting student ministry assistants as a paid position. The job posting is available on tinyurl.com/HLASMA
  2. 2022 Devotional Materials: Now you can subscribe to the devotional materials for 2022. Living Life (for adults), Sena (for G7-12), and I Love Jesus (for G4-6 and G1-3) are all $72 per year. The deadline is 11/7, so please sign up with your fellowship or small group with your payment. Thank you!
  3. Baptism Class: For those who are considering being baptized on Thanksgiving Sunday (11/21), please reach out to your advisors, fellowship leaders, or pas-tors for more information.
  4. Winter Retreat 2021:  The regular deadline has passed but we are still taking late registrations. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions. We encourage all our church families to sign up for this opportunity to bond. Registration form: https://tinyurl.com/HLA2021WR for those who already signed up, please bring the check to our registrar Jimmy with a memo “Winter Retreat”. Thank you!

Upcoming: Holy Communion (Today)

Prayer Requests

Pray for Our Church (EFCLA)

  • Pray for Worship Teams.  Pray for our Mandarin, Taiwanese, and English worship teams.  Pray that the Lord would revive their lives to have a good relationship with Him.  Pray that the Lord would anoint them to lead the congregations into glorious worship.
  • Pray for Happiness Groups. Pray that all the BESTs would open their hearts to accept Jesus as their Lord of life.  Pray that those BESTs who have made their decisions for Christ would receive their baptism.
  • Pray for the Sick. Pray for those who are sick. Pray that the Lord would heal them and restore their health.

Pray for the world

  • Pray for the Global Warming. Global warming has been causing myriad types of disasters around the globe.  Pray that the Lord would give wisdom and courage to leaders of nations to take effective actions to reduce the emission of carbon dioxide to ease the problems, such as food shortage, drought, and flood, caused by global warming.
  • Pray for the Vietnam.  Vietnam is a communist country that prides itself on stability.  However, this stability does not reflect the waves of criticism beneath the surface.  The latest elected politburo – the highest officials of the nation – continues to focus on eliminating any form of dissent.  Pray for the government to focus on serving rather than dominating, and that believers in Vietnam may persevere in their faith despite these difficulties.

Faithful Servants

   Today  Next Sunday
Speaker  Jacky Yang Scott Changchien
Presider Jacky Yang Eddie Sun
Worship Joel Lee Eddie Sun
Ushers Doris
Charlene Hsu / Stephanie Sun
Emma Keh /          Kaitlyn Su
Prayer Meeting James Lee Joel Lee

Your Faithful Participation

Your faithful participation October 31, 2021
Hybrid Worship Service 95
Hybrid Sunday School 10