Order of Service

November 28, 2021

Call to Worship  Scripture, Prayer Joel Lee
Worship in Song  Music and Singing Joel Lee
Worship in Fellowship  Welcome and  Announcements Emily Doo
Worship in Word  Reflections on “Soul” Eddie Sun
Worship in Giving and Response  Tithes and Offering Joel Lee

Sermon Notes

Title: Reflections on “Soul”

Passage: Ecclesiastes 9


  1. Glocal Outreach Department: Missionary Joanna Tien will share her ministries with us today from 12:45 to 1:30pm in Scratch Room (115A). We will prepare coffee and tea so please come and support our missionary.
  2. Construction: Praise the Lord! The renovated bathrooms in the main sanctuary and English chapel are available for use. We are now short of nearly $10,000 for the total expense. Please continue to pray and support this project with “Building” in the memo.
  3. Christmas Celebration: 1) Christmas Sunday is 12/19 for joint worship service at 10am. 2) Following the service, from 12pm, we will have a Christmas Mini Carnival in the parking lot. We invite fellowships to host booths for food or games. Please sign up with the church office (626-450-7676) for the kind of booth you will host. 3) 12/24 (Fri) there will be a candlelight service at 7pm in the main sanctuary. Dinner will be served in the fellowship hall at 6pm. Please invite your family and friends to come and celebrate Jesus’ birth.
  4. Recruitment: Pastoral office is now recruiting student ministry assistants for a paid position. The job posting is available on tinyurl.com/HLASMA
  5. Winter Retreat 2021: We are still taking late registrations. Registration form: https://tinyurl.com/HLA2021WR.  For those who already signed up, please bring the check to our registrar Jimmy or Zelle to church account with a memo “Winter Retreat”.  

Upcoming: Holy Communion (12/5)

Prayer Requests

Pray for Our Church (EFCLA)

  • Pray for New Believers. Over Thanksgiving week, there are 9 people re-ceiving their baptism and 2 confirmations. Pray that these new believers would join different groups and constantly receive their disciple training.
  • Pray for Sunday School Teachers. Pray for the teacher of Joint Sunday School, Charlotte Lin, and teachers of English and children’s Sunday School. Pray that the Lord would give them wisdom and knowledge to train His people.
  • Pray for the Sick. Pray for those who are sick. Pray that the Lord would heal them and restore their health. Pray that missionary Lei Kin (in Ger-many) would recover from her COVID-19 soon.

Pray for the world

  • Pray for COVID-19. Up to date, 78% of the population in California has re-ceived at least one dose of vaccine, and 68% have been fully vaccinated. Also, booster shots are available for adults 18 and older. Pray that the pandemic would subside soon. Also, those who have not yet been vac-cinated would receive their vaccine soon.
  • Pray for San Marino. San Marino is a very small republic located within central Italy. Among a small population of 33,000, most are nominally and culturally Catholics. They enjoy a stable economy based on tourism and banking. There is freedom of religion but there have been known cases where evangelization has led to incarceration or expulsion. Pray for be-lievers to be emboldened to preach the gospel nonetheless so that the people of San Marino may find salvation in Christ.

Faithful Servants

   Today  Next Sunday
Speaker  Eddie Sun  Jacky Yang
Presider  Emily Doo  Jacky Yang
Worship  Joel Lee  Arthur Au
Ushers  Lillian                   Stephanie Sun /     Andrea Hsieh  Jennifer                 Charlene Hsu /       Emily Sun
Prayer Meeting  Eddie Sun  Jeremy Chuang

Your Faithful Participation

Your faithful participation November 21, 2021
Hybrid Worship Service 68
Hybrid Sunday School 4