Order of Service

April 17, 2022

Call to Worship  Scripture, Prayer Arthur Au
Worship in Song  Music and Singing Arthur Au
Worship in Fellowship  Welcome and  Announcements James Lee
Worship in Word From Grave Clothes To Empty Tomb Jacky Yang
Worship in Giving and Response  Tithes and Offering Arthur Au

Sermon Notes

Title: From Grave Clothes To Empty Tomb

Passage: John 20:1-10


  1. Easter Celebration: We celebrate Jesus’ resurrection today and the church has prepared lunch boxes that will be available at 12:30pm. Please stay for a time of fellowship after service.
  2. Children’s Congregation:
    1) Today from 1:30-4:00pm Kenneth Chen, Hugo Chen, Jacky Chen, Iris Lo, Audrey Ju, and Siona Chen will be baptized. Praise the Lord and please keep them in your prayers.
    2) Now recruiting teachers and assistants for Summer Quarter (Jun to Aug). Please contact Children’s Director Ruth (ext.16) for details.
  3. Mission Month: April is Mission Month and we have guest speakers come and encourage our congregation for Sunday School and messages. The guest speaker is Antonia Hwang next Sunday. Please invite your friends and family to join us and know more about God’s missions all around the world.
  4. Student Ministries :
    1) In order to cast out visions of HarvestLA student ministry and have mutual understandings and shared expectations, we would like to invite par-ents to come and join us for a meaningful meeting on 5/15 (Sun) from 1:00-2:30pm at English Chapel. Please mark your calendar and attend the meeting.
    2) We are also planning a leadership conference for all our students on 6/11 (Sat) from 10am to 3pm with lunch provided. Our church is called to raise leaders and make disciples. We would love to see the younger generation getting more involved in various aspects of our church ministries. More details to come so please stay tuned.
  5. Fundraising for Ukrainian Refugees: They urgently pleaded with us for the privilege of sharing in this service to the Lord’s people (2 Corinthians 8:4).  Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves, others will praise God for the obedience that accompanies your confession of the gospel of Christ, and for your generosity in sharing with them and with everyone else (2 Corinthians 9:13).  So the Church will raise funds to help millions of Ukrainian refugees through the Universal Abundance Center for Life (GLEC) Eastern European Humanitarian Aid Program with a goal of $10,000. We have raised $9,152.96 up to this point. Check payable to: EFCLA, Memo: Ukraine.
  6. Charity Road Run Fundraising Event: World Vision will host the Global 6K for Water charity road run fundraiser for countries that lack clean water sources. It will be held at Rosemead Park at 9:00 am on 5/21 (Sat). The church will participate under the name of the EFCLA team with team leader Pastor Johnson Hsieh and the goal is to raise $2,000. Currently raised $200. Registration fee per person is $50 (including T-shirt) and direct sponsorship is also possible without running. Please register at global6k.worldvision.org/team/efcla or contact the church office if you have any questions.
  7. Recruitment: The church has an urgent need to hire a facility manager to be responsible for our church campus. If you are interested, please contact Lydia Wang (Huiling@efcla.org). Brothers and sisters are welcome to recommend good candidates and keep this in your prayers. Thank you.
  8. Hospitality: We now need more church families to join the welcome team to greet and serve new friends. Please contact Chi or Charlene if you can serve as ushers. Thank you!

Prayer Requests

Pray for Our Church (EFCLA)

  • Pray for Children’s Sunday School.  Pray for children’s Sunday School teachers. Pray that through their teaching, many children would accept the Lord, love God, and serve the Lord.  Please pray for the recruitment of Summer children’s Sunday school teachers.
  • Pray for Happiness Group. Pray that there would be more BESTs joining our Happiness groups. Pray that those BESTs would return for Happiness groups every Sunday, and God would move them to accept the gospel, accepting Jesus Christ as their personal savior.
  • Pray for the Sick. Pray for those who are sick or infected. Pray that the Lord would heal them and restore their health. 

Pray for the world

  • Pray for Global 6k.  Pray that the church can raise over two thousand dollars by May 21 for the Global 6k Running for Clean Water. Pray that there would be fifty to sixty people from our church joining Global 6k at Rosemead Park on May 21.
  • Pray for Bangladesh.  Persecution against Christians in Bangladesh has been increasing.  Christians are discriminated against in their day-to-day lives as Islamic influence grows deeper roots in the nation.  As organizations that serve persecuted believers like Open Doors continue to aid and disciple Bangladeshi believers, pray for God to bless their wok.  Pray also that God will help the Bangladeshi believers grow in faith, hope and love

Faithful Servants

  Today       Next Sunday
Speaker Jacky Yang Antonia Hwang
Presider  James Lee Emily Doo
Worship Arthur Au Joel Lee
Ushers Li Chen
Darren Hsu / Charlene Hsu
Timothy Wu / Jeremy Chuang
Prayer Meeting Neil Aragon Scott Changchien

Your Faithful Participation

Your faithful participation April 10, 2022
Hybrid Worship Service 82
Hybrid Sunday School 8