Order of Service

July 31, 2022

Call to Worship Scripture, Prayer Eddie Sun
Worship in Song Music and Singing Eddie Sun
Worship in Fellowship Welcome and Announcements Jacky Yang
Worship in Word Moving Forward in Faith Sam Ning
Worship in Giving and Response Tithes and Offering Eddie Sun

Sermon Notes

Title: Moving Forward in Faith

Passage: Joshua 3:3-4


  1. HLA Student committee: We have officially welcomed four of our new student coordinators for the year of 2022-2023! Let us continue to pray and bless Elizabeth Yee, Daniel Chen, Samuel Wang, and Sophia Aragon, to have God’s wisdom and love to serve for His glory.
  2. Announcement: Classroom 108, common room 119, and hall 120 are undergoing new floor replacement works. Brothers and sisters, please be careful, we apologize for any inconvenience.
  3. Pastoral Office: Office pastors and workers will be out for pastoral retreat on 8/1-8/3. The office will be closed during that time. Please keep them in your prayers.
  4. Children’s Congregation: 1) Hiring child caregivers for Friday and Saturday evenings, as a paid job. 2) Children Sunday School Registration for the 2022-2023 school year will start on 8/1. 3) Recruiting teachers and teaching assistants for the fall quarter (September-November. For details, please contact Director Ruth (x16).
  5. Fellowship Department: The church will be providing lunch boxes in August. Lunch boxes will be provided on the 2nd and the 4th Sundays of each month. We will be arranging fellow-ships to help with serving lunch, preparing hot tea and water, setting up chairs and tables, and also cleaning up. For details please contact Elder Alfred Liu or Admin Ryan Wang.
  6. Renovation: The courtyard next to the parking lot of the church will be renovated in mid-August to better utilize the outdoor space and improve the pavement and drainage issues. The renovation cost is $80,000. Please pray for this project and support financially with a memo: Building Fund.
  7. Joint Mission Convention 2022 “Passion for the Impossible:Friday August 12- Saturday August 13, 2022. This convention will be held at our church, Evangelical Formosan Church of Los Angeles. Featuring: “The Hudson Taylor Movie Project” “Life Stories of Hudson Taylor” and “Passion for the Impossible.” The event will be held in English with Mandarin Translation. This will also be a Hybrid event.
  8. Co-Workers Retreat: This will be held on August 20 9am-5pm, please fill out the form with the link provided. https://tinyurl.com/CW-Retreat-Registration. Breakfast, Lunch and a nice Dinner will be provided.
  9. Agape Montessori School: There is a job opening for an Assistant Teacher position starting in July. Work Hours: Monday-Friday 9AM-3PM. Starting at $16 /hour. Requirement: 12 units in Early Childhood Education and a love for children and Jesus. Contact info: Ms.Reni@Agape-Montessori.org.
  10. Upcoming: Holy Communion (8/7)

Prayer Requests

Pray for Our Church (EFCLA)

  • Pray for Mission Convention: We will hold the S. Cal. Joint Mission Convention at our church venue from Aug 12 to 13. Pray that the Lord would use His servant, Dr. Patrick Fong, to arouse a movement for mission among the Asian American churches.
  • Pray for the co-workers retreat: The church will hold a co-workers retreat on 8/20. Please pray for the preparation of the retreat. May God allow us to use this retreat to inspire every co-worker who is faithful to serve and regain strength.  Let the spiritual life be abundant and continue to serve before the Lord.
  • Pray for the sick. Pray for those who are sick. Pray that the Lord would heal them and restore their health.

Pray for the world

  • Pray for the climate change. The world is currently disturbed by heat waves caused by high temperatures, and the US has recently suffered from wild fires, floods, and sandstorms. In particular, California has entered a state of emergency drought. There have been wildfires in California recently. May the Lord be merciful and protective, and let more people face up to the issue of climate change.
  • Pray for Sunni Zaza. The Sunni Zaza people live in southeastern Turkey and are mostly shepherds or farmers. Years of repression and neglect have plunged them into poverty, forcing the mass migration of local populations to large cities in Turkey or Europe. Although they are Sunni Muslims, their beliefs are also mixed with Shamanism and Zoroastrianism. Even so, we are convinced that God is fighting spiritually for the Zaza people, and among them several small churches are rising. Although they are still waiting for the Bible in their own language, the Sunni Zaza are still growing. Today, let us pray that the 1.5 million Sunni Zaza will have the opportunity to hear the Gospel.

Faithful Servants

Today Next Sunday
Speaker Sam Ning Jacky Yang
Presider Jacky Yang Jacky Yang
Worship Eddie Sun Eddie Sun
Ushers Jennifer Sun Andrea Hsieh Stephanie Sun / Patricia Ho
Prayer Meeting Joel Lee Jeremy Chuang

Your Faithful Participation

Your faithful participation July 24, 2022
Hybrid Worship Service 74
Hybrid Sunday School 3