Order of Service

October 16, 2022

Call to Worship Scripture, Prayer Arthur Au
Worship in Song Music and Singing Arthur Au
Worship in Fellowship Welcome and Announcements James Lee
Worship in Word Answer The Call Jacky Yang
Worship in Giving and Response Tithes and Offering Arthur Au

Sermon Notes

Title: Answer The Call

Passage: Colossians 3:23


  1. Congregational Meeting (Today): EFCLA’s congregational meeting at 1:30pm. Please participate and vote for our church’s budget (financial statements are posted in the chapel) and council for the year of 2023.
  2. 2022 Elder and Deacon Candidate:
    Elder: Innie Chang. 
    Deacons: Jen Huang, Chi-Ying Liang, Frank Xue, Jim Su, Christine Wu, Jeremy Chuang, Sam Yeh, Michael Hsu, Donna Mak, Charlene Chen, Jason Lin, Ray Chang, Steven Hsieh.
  3. HarvestLA Family Picnic (10/22): Oikos fellowship is planning a church picnic on 10/22 (Sat) from 11am to 4pm at Frank G. Bonelli Regional Park, San Dimas. We hope to invite more new students and families to our congregation across all fellowships. Please find more information and sign up at https://tinyurl.com/HLAFamilyPicnic2022
  4. Children’s Congregation:
    1) 10/30 at 12:45-2:30pm, CC will have a trunk n treat at the back parking lots. You are welcome to invite your friends to join the event.
    2) CC is recruiting teachers and helpers for the winter quarter (Dec. 2022- Feb. 2023). Please con-tact CC Director Ruth (ext.16) for more information.
    3) CC is looking for hourly paid staff to take care of the children’s safety and the AV system on Sunday. Please contact CC director Ruth if you are a college student or older with a heart to serve the children.
    4) CM Christmas Baptism on 12/18 (Sun) from 12:45-2:30pm at church courtyard, and Baptism Classes total 4 sessions (11/6, 13, 12/4, 11). Please sign up with Ruth for your child(ren) if they are willing to be baptized.
  5. Thanksgiving Baptism (11/20): We would like to encourage sisters and brothers that are considering getting baptized to join baptism classes in preparation of the baptism on Thanksgiving Sunday. Please reach out to your advisors or pastors for more information
  6. Church Lunch: The estimated additional budget for lunch is $27,500 through August to December. Please keep this need in your prayers and support this ministry with donation if you are able.
  7. Courtyard Renovation: The North Courtyard of the church campus is under renovation now and it will take about 6 weeks for completion. Please use other entrances and exits during the construction period. The estimated budget is $80,000 and the amount of funds raised so far is $39,250.38. Please continue to pray for the renovation and funds. (Memo: Courtyard).
  8. Winter Retreat 2022: This year there will be a retreat planned together with all EFC churches’ English ministries from 12/29/2022 to 1/1/2023 in Big Bear. All church families are welcome to participate since there will be adult/youth and children’s tracks. Church will subsidize $80 for students and more information on the registration page: www.efcchurches.org/2022-winter-retreat

Upcoming: Holy Communion (11/6)

Prayer Requests

Pray for Our Church (EFCLA)

  • Pray for the Cantonese-speaking service.  From October there will be Cantonese-speaking service  in the small chapel on Sundays of the first and third weeks at 10am. Pray for the co-workers in the service, and for the gathering to attract more Cantonese-speaking people living in San Gabriel Valley to come to worship and seek God.
  • Pray for the upcoming Trunk and Treat event at Church on 10/30: Each fellowship actively participates in the service, and more families and children can be invited to participate, which becomes an opportunity for gospel outreach.
  • Pray for Outreach Ministries: Pray that the seekers would come back for our outreach meeting.  Pray also for those who host the outreach meeting.
  • Pray for the Sick. Pray that the Lord would heal those who are sick and restore their heath and strength.  

Pray for the world

  • Pray for Niger.  A nation located in the interior of central and western Africa, is one of the most impoverished countries with severe food insufficiency and drought. Niger guarantees freedom of religion, and about 99.3% of the total population is Muslim. Let’s pray for the young people that they will come to know Jesus Christ, their lives will be changed, and they will be determined to serve the kingdom of God.

Faithful Servants

This Week Next Week
Speaker Jacky Yang Eddie Sun
Presider James Lee Emily Doo
Worship Arthur Au Joel Lee
Ushers LiHsueh Chen
Sam Wang
Stephanie Sun
Jennifer Yean
Lucy Ning
Sophia Aragon
Midweek Prayer Meeting Jacky Yang Scott Changchien

Your Faithful Participation

Your faithful participation October 9, 2022
Hybrid Worship Service 87
Hybrid Sunday School 9