Order of Service

January 15, 2023

Call to Worship Scripture, Prayer Eddie Sun
Worship in Song Music and Singing Eddie Sun
Worship in Fellowship Welcome and Announcements Eddie Sun
Worship in Word Wise vs. Fool Scott Changchien
Worship in Giving and Response Tithes and Offering Eddie Sun

Sermon Notes

Title: Wise vs. Fool

Passage: Ecclesiastes 1:1-2, 12:13-14


  • Pastoral Office: There will be an ordination service for Minister Scott Changchien at 2:30pm in the main sanctuary today. Reception will follow.
  • Children’s Congregation :
    1) There will be an earthquake drill training class on Sunday, Jan 15th, from 12:45pm-1:30pm.
    2) The actual earthquake drill will be held on Sunday, Jan 22nd, at 11:30am.
    3) We are looking for teachers and helpers for VBS (Vacation Bible Study) this summer from June 12th-June 16th. Please contact Ruth(ext.16), our CC director, to sign up.
  • Ministry Department: 
    1) The Lunar New Year Celebration will be held on Jan. 22th from 12:45 to 2:30pm at courtyard, we encourage you to bring your friends to join us.
    2) We need volunteers to help with game booths and/or food booths ( Games such as: walking on stilts, shuttle kicking, pulling bells, and couplets writing; Food such as:  Dumplings, sweet glutinous rice balls, and rice cake). We compensate your expense. Please contact Deacon Jim Su if interested or for any questions. jimsujimsu@gmail.com, (626) 512-6358.
  • Finance Department:
     1) We will be handing out the 2022 offering receipts on Jan 29th and Feb 5th in the main lobby. If there are any changes to your name or address, please contact the office at (626) 450-7676 or email info@efcla.org to make the changes.
     2) As of Dec 31, 2022, the total church offering amount is still short of the 2022 budget by approximately $60,000. Please keep this need in your prayers and give if you are able.
  • Courtyard Renovation: The renovation of the north courtyard is near completion. Currently, the offering amount given for the renovation is $74,646.06, and the estimated cost of the renovation is $80,000, so we are still short by just $5,400. Please continue to pray for this project and the necessary funds. (Offering memo: Courtyard)

Upcoming: Holy Communion (Feb 5th)

Prayer Requests

Pray for Our Church (EFCLA)

  • Pray for the Pastors (Pastoral Office). Nowadays, Pastors (Zone pastors and pastoral staffs) are in a challenging generation. Pray that the pastors will have a deep sensitivity to sin, and that the pastors will not compromise the truth with the world, also spread the truth in love and affect people’s lives. Keep their physical and spiritual health, protect their (and family) from the terror of the enemy. Remove all factors that hinder the pastor from praying (such as busyness, fatigue, unnecessary phone calls, chores, etc.) so that there is no distance between the pastors and God, so they can seek God, fear God, and long for God every day.
  • Pray for Care Department. Our Care Ministry Dept. hopes to recruit a group of welcoming team to convey the love of the church. Welcome ministry is a service on the spiritual frontline, and cordial greetings can bring warmth and love to new friends. Through the service of welcome and caring, more brothers and sisters will rise up to serve together, become a good testimony in our lives, become the seeds of the Gospel, and distribute it to the groups around us, so that they will return to the church because of this good testimony. 
  • Pray for Brothers & Sisters who are weak.  Pray for brothers and sisters who are experiencing weakness and darkness, and ask God to heal them so that their bodies and minds can be healed and restored to health. Pray for sister Maranda’s mother who is hospitalized (in China), and ask the Lord to have mercy and heal her. Also comforts those who their family members (in China) died of COVID-19. 

Pray for the world

  • Pray for the China (Pandemic situation).  After China unblocked, the COVID-19 is spreading everywhere, and many family members are facing the huge impact of the epidemic. They are infected by COVID-19 viruses and experience physical and mental pain. It was reported that fever patients fully loading to clinics and hospitals, and pharmacies also ran out of medicines. Pray for Chinese people, under the influence of the pandemic, the impact on the economy, life, study, and medical care can be reduced, and they can get help from the government, as well as assistance from churches or institutions.
  • Pray for Ukraine.  Ukraine is considered a gateway between the East and the West. This puts the nation in a vulnerable position, attracting interference from neighboring Russia which views Western-leaning Ukraine as a threat. In 2022, Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, forcing seven million people of flee the country and leaving another seven million internally displaced. Ukraine has a strong Christian history, and while Evangelicals are the minority, the church is very active in its humanitarian and evangelistic efforts. Pray that God would orchestrate a peaceful resolution to the war in Ukraine. Praise God for the ministry of the Ukraine church and for making them a source of peace and light in this time of crisis.

Faithful Servants

This Week Next Week
Speaker Scott Changchien Chloe Sun
Presider Eddie Sun James Lee
Worship Eddie Sun Tiffany Sun
Ushers Connie Shi Yilin Aragon
Midweek Prayer Meeting


Your Faithful Participation

Your faithful participation January 8, 2023
Hybrid Worship Service 83
Hybrid Sunday School