Order of Service

April 23, 2023

Call to Worship Scripture, Prayer Joel Lee
Worship in Song Music and Singing Joel Lee
Worship in Fellowship Welcome and Announcements Emily Doo
Worship in Word Be You, Shine Bright Will Chen
Worship in Giving and Response Tithes and Offering Joel Lee

Sermon Notes

Title: Be You, Shine Bright

Passage: Matthew 5:14-16


  • Devotional Material: 2023 May “Living Life” is available for picking up at the church office.
  • Glocal Department: This year the short term mission teams are raising funds around $50,000 for the budget. We welcome your financial support for our short term mission. Please note “STM” when you give.
  • Children’s Congregation:
    1) Vacation Bible School (6/12-16) and Short-term mission team will hold the second orientation on 5/7 (Sun) from 12:45-2:30pm on the 2nd floor of CC building.
    2) Starting 6/12-16 from 5:30-8:40pm CC will host VBS on the 2nd floor of CC Building. Children & youth of 4-12yrs old are welcomed. Registration fee $30 (include dinner, t-shirt and craft materials). Heart Keeper will provide coffee times for parents at the same time. Please register at ef-cla.org, or contact Director Ruth (ext.16) for more details.
    3) Now recruiting teachers and assistants for Summer Quarter (Jun to Aug). Please contact Children’s Director Ruth (ext.16) for details. .
  • Church Lunch Service:
    1) Thank Lord, we have received $29,204.00 for our lunch fund so far.
    2) We are looking for co-workers for – Packing lunch boxes from 10:30-12pm on Sunday once a month. – Arrangement and put away courtyard chairs, tea preparation and clearance of trash on Sundays. Those who are willing to serve, please contact the church office at 626-450-7676.
  • Mother’s Day (5/14): Sunday church will have a joint worship service at 10:30am in the main sanctuary to celebrate Mother’s Day. Care department will dedicate a gift to every mother afterwards. Lunch boxes will be served.
  • SoCal Prayer Conference (5/19): The Southern California Prayer Conference and Revival Prayer Groups (RPG) are dedicated to revival prayer on 5/19 (Fri) 7:30-9:30, 5/20 (Sat) 2:00-5:30pm. Group registration (10 people or more): $10/person.  Child care registration required. Please sign up with the church office.  Through small groups, we will ignite the heart of the church, walk in Godly unity and establish an army of prayer warriors. 
  • Charity Fundraiser: Our church is joining the World Vision’s “Global 6K for Water” event to raise funds for countries that are in lack of clean water. Time: 9:30am on 5/20 (Sat), Venue: Rosemead Park, Team Name: EFCLA, and Captain: Pastor Johnson. The goal is to raise $3,000. The registration fee is $50 including a t-shirt. You can also donate without running. Please register or donate by 5/14 at website: global6k.worldvision.org/team/efcla.
  • Operation Department: The office tenant in the southwest corner of the church, Micro-Gage, is about to relocate, so the church will start renting out that office space. May the Lord lead us to find suitable new tenants.

Upcoming: Holy Communion (5/7)

Prayer Requests


  • Pray for Revival Prayer. Pray that the Lord would move people to sign up for the SoCal Prayer Conference scheduled on May 19-20. Pray that the Lord would use this conference to promote people to devote themselves to prayer, and experience God’s power and revival through prayers.
  • Pray for Global 6K. Pray that the Lord would move people to sign up for the Global 6K Running for Clean Water campaign schedule on May 20. Pray that through this campaign, people in Africa would have clean and ready water, so that they would feel the love from God, which would pave the way for the local church to share the Good News brining true blessings to people.
  • Pray for New Believers. There were seven people baptized on Easter Sun-day, and a few are receiving their baptism by the end of April. Pray that the Lord would strengthen their faith, and move them to be equipped for fur-ther growth in their faith, and become ready for His witness.
  • Pray for the Sick. Pray that the Lord would heal those who are sick and re-store their heath and strength.


  • Pray for Singapore. Singapore boasts one of the most successful economics in the Asia-Pacific region. A great part of this is thanks to its busy ports, which make it one of the biggest commercial centers in the world. It is said that Singaporeans are all after the five C’s: career, cash, car, club, and condo. Still amid this materialism, the church in Singapore is growing among evangelical and charismatic congregations. As many of the educated population are coming to Christ, they are influencing society in ways that bring blessings far greater than material wealth. Pray for the church to demonstrate in their actions what true blessing looks like. Praise God for the good influence that believers have on Singaporean society.

Faithful Servants

This Week Next Week
Speaker Will Chen Debora Shih
Presider Emily Doo Eddie Sun
Worship  Joel Lee Eddie Sun
Ushers Yilin Aragon Lihsueh Chen
Midweek Prayer Meeting Jacky Yang Jacky Yang

Your Faithful Participation

Your faithful participation April 16, 2023
Hybrid Worship Service 134
Hybrid Sunday School