Order of Service

June 25, 2023

Call to Worship Scripture, Prayer Joel Lee
Worship in Song Music and Singing Joel Lee
Worship in Fellowship Welcome and Announcements Emily Doo
Worship in Word Archery Sermon Eddie Sun
Worship in Giving and Response Tithes and Offering Joel Lee

Sermon Notes

Title: Archery Sermon

Passage: Psalm 127


  • Church Meeting (6/25): 
    1) Council Meeting will be held on 6/25 (TODAY) 1:30pm at English Chapel. Pastors, ministers, elders, deacons are all invited to participate.
    2) The Elder Board meeting will be right after the previous meeting.
  • Glocal Department: This summer, our short term mission teams include Kyrgyzstan 6/22-7/1, Taichung Caring church 7/2-7/8, El Cajon7/30-8/4, and Taiwan West Coast 7/22-29. Let’s keep them in our prayers. 
  • Daily Devotional: Daily devotional materials (Living Life, Sena, I Love Jesus) for the the month of July are available for pickup at the church office.
  • Church Lunch Service: 
    1) Thank the Lord, we have received $33,691 for our lunch fund so far.
    2) We are looking for co-workers for – Packing lunch boxes from 10:30-12pm on Sunday once a month. Arrangement and putting away of courtyard chairs, tea preparation, and clearance of trash on Sundays. Those who are willing to serve, please contact the church office at 626-450-7676.
  • Agape Education Center: The Montessori School is starting to recruit students aged 2-6 years old. If you want more information or to visit the school, please contact 626-450-7686 to leave a message.

Upcoming: Holy Communion (7/2)

Prayer Requests


  • Pray for Summer Short Term Mission Trip: Pray for the health of our STM team in Kyrgyzstan that they would adapt to the local weather and food. Pray that they would love one another, preach the gospel in one accord, and that God would stir the hearts of the Kyrgyzstani students to accept Jesus Christ as their personal Savior.   
  • Pray for the church. Pray the God would help brothers and sisters to have a quiet time with the Lord daily, that people would regularly spend time in reading His word and praying so that their lives may be transformed, and as a result, they would bear spiritual fruits as a witness of God.
  • Pray for New Believers. Pray for those who were baptized in the past six months, that they would study the bible and pray constantly in order to take root and grow in their faith. Pray also that they would join groups besides Sunday service for a normal Christian life.
  • Pray for the sick. Pray that Lord would heal those who are sick and restore their health and strength.


  • Pray for Canada. Canada is one of the wealthiest nations in the world thanks to its advanced economy, and is the second largest country by land area. The indigenous peoples in Canada have lived there for thousands of years, but the region was colonized by the British and French beginning in the sixteenth century.  Christianity was introduced by the Europeans, and while Christians still represent the majority of the population, the church has experienced significant decline in recent decades.  The church now faces the challenge of reaching to an increasing secular society.  Pray that God will stir the hearts of the Canadian people so that they will believe in the gospel. 

Faithful Servants

This Week’s Service Next Week
Speaker Eddie Sun Dwayne Nordstrom
Presider Emily Doo TBD
Worship Joel Lee Joel Lee
Ushers Yilin Aragon TBD
Midweek Prayer Meeting Melody Ho *break*

Your Faithful Participation

Your faithful participation June 18th, 2023
Hybrid Worship Service 82
Hybrid Sunday School