Order of Service

September 24, 2023

Call to Worship Scripture, Prayer Joel Lee
Worship in Song Music and Singing Joel Lee
Worship in Fellowship Welcome and Announcements Emily Doo
Worship in Word New and Living Way Scott Changchien
Worship in Giving and Response Tithes and Offering Joel Lee

Sermon Notes

Title: Better Promises: New and Living Way

Passage: Hebrews 10:19-20

Therefore, brothers and sisters, since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way opened for us through the curtain, that is, his body.


  • September Baptism (Today): Our brothers and sisters Achilles Huang、Athena Huang、Howard Tam、Alvin Kong、Aidan Kong、Caleb Chu、Chloe Wu、Ashely Kong will be baptized, and brother David Lu will have his confirmation today. Let us welcome them into this loving family in Christ with joy!
  • Church Meeting (9/24):
    1) Council Meeting will be held on 9/24 (Sun) 1:30pm at English Chapel. Pastors, ministers, elders, deacons are all invited to participate.
    2) The Elder Board meeting will follow right after the previous meeting.
  • Church Cleaning Day (10/1): We will do church annual cleaning on 10/1 (Sun) from 1:30pm. Please reserve your time to join the cleaning and tidy up God’s house our home altogether. Lunch will be served on the day.
  • Children’s Congregation:  New school year 2023-24 registration is on now.  Please check the church website EFCLA.org.
  • Church Lunch Service: Thank the Lord, we have received $46,052.55 for our lunch fund so far.  If you would like to make a lunch special donation through check or cash offering, please use the church offering envelope, and please indicate lunch in the memo.
  • Agape Education Center: The Montessori School is starting to recruit students aged 2-6 years old. If you want more information or to visit the school, please contact 626-450-7686 to leave a message.

Upcoming: Holy Communion (10/1)

Prayer Requests


  • Pray for Happiness Group. The Fall Happiness Group outreach has started. Pray for the preparation for each Happiness group, and the invitation of Best to Happiness Group meetings.
  • Pray for the Congregational Meeting. This year is the 53rd anniversary of EFCLA. Pray that our church will be united in the gospel, witnessing to the Lord and spreading the gospel everywhere, and that brothers and sisters will be committed to growth and active participation in ministry, and that we will have our annual congregational meeting in October to select our new elders and deacons for the year 2024. Pray that God will prepare a unified team of elders and deacons who will work together to build up the body of Jesus Christ.
  • Pray for the suicide prevention ministry. According to the WHO, more than 700,000 people die from suicide every year. CDC also announced that the number of suicides in 2022 will reach a record high of 49,500 people. This figure is higher than any year in the past, and even higher than at any time since the World War II. In a generation where the forces of darkness seem to be in the face of despair, the church needs to “listen” more actively. As more and more people think that living is painful, the Church has an opportunity to play a key role in this. Pray that the Church will be able to use the power of the Gospel to transform this generation.
  • Pray for the Sick. Pray that the Lord would heal those who are sick and restore their heath and strength.


  • Pray for Libya. Heavy rains have caused flooding due to the effects of the storm, which now kills 20,000 people. The pressure from the heavy rain has caused dams to collapse and the flooding from the collapse has destroyed three bridges and swept the community into the sea. Pray for signs and wonders for Jesus to continue to happen in Libya! Pray for appropriate rescue and resettlement resources and manpower, and to remove any political or other obstacles that may hinder the rescue and resettlement efforts, so that the rescue work can begin quickly, smoothly, and peacefully. 

Faithful Servants

This Week’s Service Next Week
Speaker Scott Changchien Jacky Yang
Presider Emily Doo Jacky Yang
Worship Joel Lee Tiffany Sun
Ushers Yilin Aragon Alan Qi
Midweek Prayer Meeting Jacky Yang Jacky Yang

Your Faithful Participation

Your faithful participation September 17, 2023
Hybrid Worship Service 171