
03-05-2025 洛福週三晚上7:30禱告事項 Prayer List

March 5th, 2025|

一﹑本週經文Scriptures:約翰約翰福音17:15-18 John
我不求你叫他們離開世界,只求你保守他們脫離那惡者(或譯:脫離罪惡)。他們不屬世界,正如我不屬世界一樣。 求你用真理使他們成聖;你的道就是真理。你怎樣差我到世上,我也照樣差他們到世上。
15 My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one. 16 They are not of the world, even as I am not of it. 17 Sanctify them by[d] the truth; your word is truth. 18 As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world.

二﹑禱告事項 Prayer Items:

1. 為印度禱告:印度政府對印度教極端分子的縱容,及現任總理長期執政的默許,導致針對基督徒的暴力與宗教迫害問題激增,數萬名基督徒被迫移居,許多教堂被毀。讓我們為印度百姓禱告,使他們能認識真神,也為當地教會和基督徒都能堅持信心,直到最後得勝。
Pray for India. The Indian government’s connivance with Hindu extremists and the current prime minister’s tacit approval during his tenure have led to a surge in violence and religious persecution against Christians. Tens of thousands of Christians have been forced to migrate, and many churches have been destroyed. Let us pray for the people of India, that they may come to know the true God, and for local churches and Christians to persevere in their faith until they ultimately prevail.

2. 為教會禱告:求神激勵弟兄姊妹對神有渴慕尋求的心,藉著靈修讀經禱告,更深認識主,與弟兄姐妹更多地彼此交通、團契,守望、代禱,成為彼此的幫助和祝福。
Pray for our church. We pray that God will inspire brothers and sisters to have a longing and seeking heart for God, to know the Lord more deeply through spiritual reading of the Bible and prayer. May they have more fellowship with one another, watch over and pray for each other, become helpers and blessings to one another.

3. 為全教會退修會禱告:教會在六月6-8日將在Pepperdine University舉行全教會退修會。請為講員郭寬宗牧師與Walter Chu牧師禱告,求神使用他們奮興教會弟兄姊妹,更愛主,更願意順服神的心意,過討神喜悅的生活。
Pray for Whole Church Retreat. The church will hold a retreat for the entire congregation from June 6 to 8 at Pepperdine University. Pray for the speakers, Rev. Gary Kuo and Rev. Walter Chu, that the Lord would use them to revive His church, inspiring it to love Him more deeply, obey Him faithfully, and live a life that is pleasing in His sight.

4. 為教會三月份開始的幸福小組禱告:願神引領同工們充滿信心、愛心與盼望,藉著聖靈賜下各樣的智慧,將人帶到主的面前,為神作見證,分享救恩的好消息,引領更多人認識耶穌基督—生命的救主。
Pray for Outreach Groups. This year’s spring outreach groups will start in early March. May God guide the coworkers to be filled with faith, love, and hope, and through the Holy Spirit, grant them all kinds of wisdom to bring people before the Lord, bear witness for God, share the good news of salvation, and lead more people to know Jesus Christ—the Savior of life.

5. 為肢體禱告:為你所知道身體欠安的弟兄姊妹禱告,求神醫治他們恢復身體的健康。
Pray for the Sick. Pray for the brothers and sisters you know who are in poor health, and ask God to heal them and restore them to good health.


03-12-2025 洛福週三晚上7:30禱告事項 Prayer List

March 12th, 2025|

一﹑本週經文Scriptures: 腓立比書4:6-7 Philippians
6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

二﹑禱告事項 Prayer Items:

1. 為阿根廷禱告:阿根廷是世界著名的穀倉之一。然而近年因經濟不景氣,導致人民消費力下降,貧窮率急劇上升至55.5%,約有20.6%的家庭面臨食物短缺問題,家中儲量無法供應日常所需。讓我們為阿根廷禱告,盼望政府制定有效政策,使當地經濟復甦,國民脫離飢餓與貧困。
Pray for Argentina. Argentina is one of the world’s renowned granaries. However, in recent years, due to economic downturns, the purchasing power of its people has declined sharply, with the poverty rate soaring to 55.5%. Approximately 20.6% of households are facing food shortages, unable to meet their daily needs. Let us pray for Argentina, hoping that the government will implement effective policies to revive the local economy and help its citizens escape hunger and poverty.

2. 為春季幸福小組及福音事工禱告:為同工們的愛心,信心,合一和謙卑的服事禱告,求聖靈在我們當中動奇妙的工,也邀請到更多的Best願意來參加幸福小組,並在小組中感受到關懷與餵養,能持續的來參加小組,接受耶穌做他們的救主。
Pray for the outreach ministry of the Happiness Group. Pray for the love, faith, unity and humble service of the co-workers, pray for the work of the Holy Spirit in the meetings, May the Lord’s Holy Spirit continue to work in the hearts of every seeker, that they would feel loved in the group, and may accept Jesus as their savior.

3. 為3/22”Sight”電影佈道會禱告:3/22-23, 我們邀請眼科醫生王明旭醫生來分享他的生命故事與見證。盼望透過王醫師的電影”Sight” 及他信主得救的見證故事,將福音的感動傳給那些慕道的福音朋友。也讓我們的弟兄姐妹可以邀請未信主的家人朋友一起來參加,並認識耶穌基督,成為他們生命的救主。也為3/22-3/23兩天王醫師的分享及聚會能夠順利來禱告。
Pray for “From Darkness to Sight” Movie & Gospel Share Event. On March 22, we invite Dr. Wang Ming to share his life story and testimony. We hope that through Dr. Wang’s movie and his testimony that will touch those who are seeking God. We also encourage our brothers and sisters to invite their family and friends who do not yet believe to join us, so they can come to know Jesus Christ and have Him as their Savior. Let us also pray for the smooth sharing and gatherings led by Dr. Wang on March 22 and 23.

4. 為肢體禱告:為你所知道身體欠安的弟兄姊妹禱告,求神醫治他們恢復身體的健康。
Pray for the Sick. Pray for the brothers and sisters you know who are in poor health, and ask God to heal them and restore them to good health.