一﹑本週經文Scriptures:馬太福音24 : 13

13 惟有忍耐到底的,必然得救。13 but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved.


二﹑禱告事項 Prayer Items

  1. 為世界經濟禱告:新冠肺炎對世界經濟所造成的衝擊是全面性的,不僅許多人因此失業,訂單減少,復工困難使得經濟衰退,美國也正式進入經濟衰退,許多人經濟困難。求神讓疫情快快過去,經濟得以逐漸復甦。Pray for the world economy.  The COVID-19 has made a pervasive impact on the world economy.  Many people lost their jobs, orders were canceled, reopening took extra cost.  These all resulted in recession.  The US has also formally entered recession.  Pray that the Lord would let the pandemic subside soon, and the world economy would recover.


  1. 為肢體禱告:不少弟兄姊妹或是他們的家人過去三個月一直持續上班的,例如醫療工作人員,或是剛恢復上班,請為他們的健康安全禱告,求神保護他們不會在工作環境中受到新冠肺炎感染Pray for people who go back to work. Pray for our brothers and sisters and their families who are working in the health industry and those who just went back to work recently.  Pray for their health.  Pray that the Lord would protect them from contracting COVID-19 at work.


  1. 為團契小組同工禱告:為團契的小組長、輔導禱告。他們在疫情其間持續透過網路聚會,關懷牧養弟兄姊妹,帶領弟兄姊妹禱告讀經。求神保守他們與神有好的關係,使用他們堅固造就弟兄姊妹。Pray for leaders of small groups.  During the COVID-19 pandemic, our group leaders continue reaching out to brothers and sisters through online meetings.  Pray that they would have a close relationship with the Lord, and the Lord would use them to build up brothers and sisters.