一﹑本週經文Scriptures: 羅馬書12:10 Romans
10 愛弟兄要彼此親熱;恭敬人,要彼此推讓。Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves.
二﹑禱告事項 Prayer Items:
Pray for Oman. Oman is a Muslim nation with a population of about 5 million, of which less than 1 percent are Evangelical Christian. Those who convert to Christianity will likely be ostracized by their family, which means they would also lose their social status and family security. Public evangelism is also prohibited. Pray that the believers in Oman will continue sharing the gospel and that God would protect them from persecution.
Pray for our church. Pray that the Lord would give our church a unified heart for evangelism. Pray that people would reach out to their family and friends online, and bring many of them to the Lord.
Pray for consolidation of Mandarin congregations. Pray for the consolidation of our Saturday night Mandarin, Mandarin Youth, and Sunday Mandarin congregations into one Mandarin congregation. Pray that God would bless this consolidation so that Mandarin ministries would better develop and progress in ministries, discipleship, and evangelism.