一﹑本週經文Scriptures: : 耶利米書33:3 Jeremiah
3你求告我,我就應允你,並將你所不知道、又大又難的事指示你。3 Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.
二﹑禱告事項 Prayer Items:
Pray for CMC Global. Praise God that registration for Global Launch on Sept 26 is now at 745! Please pray for the EPT Meeting this Thursday, 9/10 at 2 pm as we work on the final touches for the September event. Please pray for our website(www.cmcglobal-afc.org)that all the program information and media resources for September are all uploaded this week!
Pray for Congregational Meeting. This year’s congregational meeting will be held on 10/18. Due to the pandemic, the congregational meeting will be held online, and voting will be through mailing. The church staff is working on updating members’ mailing addresses. Pray for the success of this year’s congregational meeting.
Pray for the Health of Brother and Sisters. Pray for any church member who is sick. Pray that the peace of the Lord be with them, and the healing comes upon them, and restore their health completely.