一﹑本週經文Scriptures:   但以理書4:3 Daniel
3 他的神蹟何其大!他的奇事何其盛!他的國是永遠的;他的權柄存到萬代!
3 How great are his signs, how powerful his wonders! His kingdom will last forever, his rule through all generations.


二﹑禱告事項 Prayer Items:
1. 為阿拉伯聯合大公國禱告:在阿拉伯聯合大公國的許多酋長都從事國際貿以及石油生意,他們中間也有不少人在政府擔任重要職位。雖然這些人只佔人口的百分之十二,他們卻長我國家大部分的財富。雖然在阿聯酋允許其他信仰,但是一個阿聯酋國民如果改信伊斯蘭教以外的其他信仰卻可能因此喪命。求神興起代禱勇士為阿聯酋禱告,讓阿聯酋的人民接受福音轉向神。
Pray for UAE. In the United Arab Emirates, many emirates are involved in international business and the oil industry, and they also hold a large number of government positions. Though they make up only 12 percent of the population, Emiratis hold much of the nation’s economic power. While people of other religions are allowed to coexist alongside them, conversion from Islam could cost an Emirati their life. Pray that God will raise up prayer teams in the UAE and that He will open the Emiratis’ hearts to the gospel.

2. 為華人差傳大會禱告:感謝主,註冊系統已經架設完成,大會的介紹與線上報名的鏈接已經發給參加過九月份大會啟動的弟兄姊妹。請為註冊系統運作順利,報名者能順利報名,以及參加過九月份大會的人都能再報名12月的大會禱告。
• Pray for CMC Global. Praise God, registration is now live and the email announcement has been sent to the past attendees at CMC Global Launch in September. Please pray for smooth operation of the registration system and all aspects of the registration process will go as planned.

3. 為新冠肺炎禱告:新冠肺炎在美國與歐洲許多地區單日感染人數明顯上升。求神醫治感染的人,求神憐憫讓新冠肺炎疫情消退,祝福疫苗的開發早日成功。
Pray for COVID-19. The daily number of people contracted by the COVID-19 increase significantly in both the US and Europe. Pray that the Lord would have mercy to heal those contracted, and to let the vaccines become available soon.

4. 為禱告復興禱告:求神興起更多弟兄委身禱告,使祂的教會成為一個禱告的教會。
Pray for more people of prayer. Pray that the Lord would raise many people to devote themselves in prayer.