一﹑本週經文Scriptures: 出埃及記27:21 Exodus
21 在會幕中法櫃前的幔外,亞倫和他的兒子,從晚上到早晨,要在耶和華面前經理這燈。這要作以色列人世世代代永遠的定例。
21 In the tent of meeting, outside the curtain that shields the ark of the covenant law, Aaron and his sons are to keep the lamps burning before the LORD from evening till morning. This is to be a lasting ordinance among the Israelites for the generations to come.
二﹑禱告事項 Prayer Items:
1. 為牙買加禱告:牙買加是位於加勒比海的第三大島,正被都會地區的高失業率與高犯罪率所困擾。牙買加的兩百九十萬人口中絕大多數都是基督徒,其中超過一半是福音派的基督徒。請為牙買加的失業率能降低禱告。禱告牙買加的教會被神更新,以致於信徒研讀神的話,活出神的話在社會中做光做鹽。
Pray for Jamaica. Jamaica, the third largest island in the Caribbean Sea, has been struggling with rising unemployment and crime in urban areas. Of its 2.9 million people, the majority identify as Christians, among which more than half consider themselves Protestants. Pray that unemployment and crime rates go down as the churches and believers in Jamaica are renewed – reading and living out the Word so that they may be salt and light in their country.
2. 為宣教士Mark & Ruth禱告:求神藉著宣教士Mark和Ruth興起眾多同工,同時連結更多當地教會,在台灣雲林嘉義平原偶像林立的地區,藉著社區服務,直接宣講,將福音傳給當地的人民。
Pray for Mark & Ruth. Pray that the Lord would use Mark and Ruth to raise up more people and network more churches to reach out to the people living in Yun-Lin and Jia-Yi regions where idol worshiping is rampant through community services and direct gospel sharing.
3. 為兒童堂禱告:為兒童洗禮班順利完成禱告,為本月底受洗的兒童信心堅固禱告;兒童堂八月重開實體聚會請為預備工作禱告。
Pray for Children’s Ministries. Pray for children’s baptism class and the preparation of baptism. Pray for the preparation of reopening for on-site service of the children’s congregation in August.
4. 為親密之旅禱告:這一季教會開四個親密之旅小組,請為帶領的老師能從帶領中更熟悉掌握課程內容,學員們能在情感智慧上更成長,也請為學員中的BEST禱告。
Pray for Journey to Intimacy Ministries. Our church offers four classes of Journey to Intimacy Course this season. Pray that both the leaders and the students will grow in their emotional intelligence through this course. Also, pray for those BEST among the students.
5. 為肢體禱告:為Peggy姊妹手術順利禱告,為李武二長老身體復原禱告。為你所知道身體欠安的弟兄姊妹禱告,求神醫治他們恢復身體的健康。
Pray for the Sick. Pray for Sister Peggy’s surgery, and Elder Wu-Er’s recovery. Pray for those who are sick. Pray that the Lord would heal them and restore their health.