一﹑本週經文:Scriptures: 路加福音11:8 Luke
8 我告訴你們,雖不因他是朋友起來給他,但因他情詞迫切地直求,就必起來照他所需用的給他。
8 I tell you, even though he will not get up and give you the bread because of friendship, yet because of your shameless audacity he will surely get up and give you as much as you need.
二﹑禱告事項 Prayer Items:
- 為蘇利南禱告:蘇利南是位於南美洲北部一個人口不足一百萬的小國家。該國保障信仰自由,人口組成多元,基督教、伊斯蘭教與印度教並存。其中,爪哇人是名義上的穆斯林,印度人的後裔則是印度教徒。求神使福音傳遍,生根於爪哇人與印度人當中,使蘇利南這個種族多元化的國家因為相信耶穌基督而合而為一
Pray for Suriname. Suriname, a country with less than a million people, is located in the northern area of South America. The state guarantees freedom of religion so Hinduism, Christianity, and Islam coexist among their diverse people groups. Among them, the Javanese are nominally Muslim and the Hindustani are Hindu. Pray that the truth of Christ will take root among the Javanese and Hindustani and that Suriname, a multiethnic society, will become one through faith in Christ Jesus. - 為加州疫情禱告:加州已經開放65歲以上,一些有特別健康狀況以及在指定行業工作的人員(例如超市員工)在接種兩劑輝瑞疫苗至少六個月以上接種第三劑加強疫苗。求神讓符合資格的人都能接種加強疫苗。求神讓加州超過70%的成人能完整接種疫苗。
Pray for COVID in California. The California State government has allowed people who 65 years and older, people who have certain medical conditions, and people who work in certain institutional setting to receive their booster dose at least six months after they received their second dose of Pfizer vaccine from Oct 1. Pray that those who are eligible for their booster dose would soon follow government’s suggestions. Also, pray that the vaccination rate in California would exceed 70% soon. - 為裝修工程禱告:請為大禮拜堂與敬拜廳兩處的男女洗手間翻新工程能夠在這個月底順利完工禱告。也請為需要的五萬元工程款項能在完工前到位禱告。
Pray for Renovation. Pray that the renovation project of restrooms in the main sanctuary and worship hall would accomplish by the end of this month. Pray that the Lord would provide fifty thousand dollars for the renovation before it is finished. - 為幸福小組禱告:為各幸福小組的BEST能繼續穩定參加幸福小組聚會禱告。求聖靈在BEST心中工作,讓BEST打開心門接受接耶穌基督作生命的主。
Pray for Happiness Groups. Pray that the BESTs would continue to join every Happiness Group meeting. Pray that the Holy Spirit would help the BESTs to accept the Gospel. - 為肢體禱告:為你所知道身體欠安的弟兄姊妹禱告,求神醫治他們恢復身體的健康。禱告Abraham 小弟弟迅速從手術後復原,恢復健康。
Pray for the Sick. Pray for those who are sick. Pray that the Lord would heal them and restore their health. Pray that little Abraham would soon recover from his surgery.