一﹑本週經文:Scriptures: 約伯記9:15-16、29:25
9:15 我雖有義,也不回答他,只要向那審判我的懇求。 16 我若呼籲,他應允我;我仍不信他真聽我的聲音。
29:25 我為他們選擇道路,又坐首位;我如君王在軍隊中居住,又如弔喪的安慰傷心的人。
9:15 Though I were innocent, I could not answer him; I could only plead with my Judge for mercy. 16 Even if I summoned him and he responded, I do not believe he would give me a hearing.
29:25 I chose the way for them and sat as their chief; I dwelt as a king among his troops; I was like one who comforts mourners.
二﹑禱告事項 Prayer Items:
- 為貝南禱告:位於西非的貝南是全球最貧窮的國家之一。該國有超過六十個民族,法語是正式的官方語言。雖然沒有任何公開的宗教集會的壓迫或限制但是民間萬物崇拜的習俗正悄悄滲透基督教會,淡化福音。禱告貝南的教會可以在神話語上站立得穩,不受萬物崇拜的習俗所影響而偏離。
Pray for Benin. Benin, located in West Africa, is one of the poorest country in the world. It consists of over 60 ethnic groups, with French as the nation’s official language. There is no outright persecution or restriction on religious activities but the influence of animism is strong and seeps into Christian churches, diluting the gospel. Pray that the church in Benin will not conform to animism rituals but stand upon the Word of God. - 為衣索匹亞禱告:從去年十一月爆發的聯邦政府與提格雷週武裝力量之間的衝突已經造成許多傷亡以及近兩百萬人流亡。請為曾獲得2019年諾貝爾和平獎的總理阿比艾哈邁德能盡快找出一個和平解決該國內戰的方案。請為人道組織、教會、當地信徒能帶給難民實際所需的援助與神的愛。求神明顯可見地介入,特別是在那些仍處於戰火危險中的人們身上。
Pray for Ethiopia. The ongoing armed conflict in Tigray in Northern Ethiopia that began in November has left many dead and injured and about 2 million people displaced. Pray for Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2019, to find a timely and peaceful resolution to this war. Pray for organizations, the church and local believers to be able to bring God’s love and hope as well as practical help. Pray for God’s intervention and his presence to be felt for those affected and those still in danger. - 為影音事工禱告:為影音部的同工們禱告,求神紀念他們在崇拜影音調控上所做的努力,使教會的實體與線上崇拜得以順利進行。求神紀念影音同工在教會視頻製作上所做的努力,使更多人藉著教會YouTube的視頻而得造就。
Pray for Media Teams. Pray for the media teams. Pray that the Lord would remember their work making the onsite worship services and live streaming possible. Pray also for the media teams who produce our YouTube videos for reaching out to a larger audience. - 為幸福小組禱告:為各幸福小組的同工禱告,求神賜下合一的靈、彼此相愛的心在每一個幸福小組,好讓BEST從同工身上感受到神的愛而接受主。
Pray for Happiness Groups. Pray for the Happiness Group teams. Pray that the Lord would give them the spirit of unity and the hearts for loving one another. Pray that the BESTs would feel the love of God through the life-testimony of the Happiness Group teams. - 為肢體禱告:為你所知道身體欠安的弟兄姊妹禱告,求神醫治他們恢復身體的健康。
Pray for the Sick. Pray for those who are sick. Pray that the Lord would heal them and restore their health.