一﹑本週經文:Scriptures: 路加福音 1:68 Luke 
68 主─以色列的 神是應當稱頌的!因他眷顧他的百姓,為他們施行救贖。
68 Praise be to the Lord, the God of Israel, because he has come to his people and redeemed them.

二﹑禱告事項 Prayer Items:

Pray for Mexico. Ninety-five percent of the 133.9 million inhabitants in Mexico consider themselves Christian. Although this number makes it look like Christianity is flourishing in Mexico, the reality is that Christianity face increasing hardships. They are being threatened by drug cartels and challenged by the secular public who accuse Christians of discriminating against them. Pray for God to strengthen and encourage Mexican believers, and that they would persevere in their faith amid the increasing difficulties.

Pray for COVID. The Omicron variant has caused another wave of pandemics around the globe, including the US. Although the Omicron variant is far less dangerous than the Delta variant, recent cases are obviously on the rise. Pray that the Lord would have mercy on His people, and let the pandemic subside soon.

Pray for Church Leaders. Pray for our elders, deacons, advisers, and group leaders. Pray that the Lord would unite us to carry out the vision of preaching the gospel and disciple-making.

Pray for Mission Ministries. Pray for Elder Alex Chiu, Minister Scott Changchien, and Deacon Sunny Sun. Pray that the Lord would use them to arouse our burden for the mission, and pray that we may send our summer short-term mission teams out.

5. 為肢體禱告:為你所知道身體欠安的弟兄姊妹禱告,求神醫治他們恢復身體的健康。
Pray for the Sick.  Pray for those who are sick. Pray that the Lord would heal them and restore their health.