一﹑本週經文:Scriptures: 約翰福音10:10 John
10 盜賊來,無非要偷竊,殺害,毀壞;我來了,是要叫羊(或譯:人)得生命,並且得的更豐盛。
10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.
二﹑禱告事項 Prayer Items:
- 為衣索比亞禱告:雖然衣索比亞是非洲獨立最久的國家,卻因著人口劇增與經濟基礎不足,該國仍屬於極度貧窮的國家。自2020年底開始,因著政府軍和提格雷人民解放陣線內戰,造成數千人死亡,更讓數十萬人成了難民。求主使衣索比亞脫離戰爭屠殺與窮困,成為神的國度,國內得享太平。
Pray for Ethiopia. Although Ethiopia is the longest independent country in Africa, it is still an extremely poor country due to its rapid population growth and insufficient economic foundation. Since the end of 2020, the civil war between the government forces and the Tigray People’s Liberation Front has killed thousands and turned hundreds of thousands of refugees. Pray for the Lord to free Ethiopia from war, slaughter and poverty, to become the kingdom of God, and to enjoy peace in the country. - 為新冠疫情禱告:感謝讚美主在這次 COVID 大流行期間的特別保護,目前Omicron 似乎正在失去它的力量。求主繼續保護我們所有人,尤其是長輩和小孩。求主賜給我們力量和智慧來度過這場大流行病,這樣我們就可以成為神的好管家,並為神的國度作榮耀的見證。
Pray for COVID. Praise God for His divine protection during this COVID pandemic, we thank God that Omicron appears to be losing its power. May the Lord continue to protect all of us, especially the vulnerable old and the young. May our father God give us strength and wisdom to navigate this pandemic so we can be a good steward of His house and a shining witness for God’s kingdom. - 為教會推動「復興禱告小組RPG」禱告:今年教會推動RPG復興禱告小組,盼望在大家一起來組成三人禱告小組:與神建立關係、為個人需要、為肢體彼此、為福音及國度禱告,藉著禱告來復興我們的個人、家庭、職場、教會、國家。
Pray for the church to promote the “revival prayer group RPG”. This year, the church promotes the RPG revival prayer group. We hope that everyone can form a three-person prayer group together: build a relationship with God, pray for personal needs, pray for each other, and pray for the gospel and the kingdom. Prayer to revive our individual, family, workplace, church, and nation. - 為媒體/IT事工禱告:為媒體/IT部的吳宏資長老、鄒明德執事、何帆同工禱告,求神賜下智慧、體力、信心給他們,在處理所有網路的連結上都能順利的進行,不受任何干擾,讓兄弟姐妹不論在線上、線下都能順利敬拜。
Pray for Media/IT Ministries. Pray for Elder Leo Wu, Deacon Ming Chou and Fan Ho in the Media/IT Department, asking God to give them wisdom, physical strength, and confidence to be able to handle all network connections. It goes on smoothly without any interference, so that brothers and sisters can worship smoothly both online and offline. - 為肢體禱告:為你所知道身體欠安的弟兄姊妹或是確診的弟兄姊妹禱告,求神醫治他們恢復身體的健康。
Pray for the Sick. Pray for those who are sick or infected. Pray that the Lord would heal them and restore their health.