一﹑本週經文Scriptures: 路加福音18:7 Luke

7神所揀選的人晝夜向他呼求,難道他竟會不給他們伸冤嗎?難道 神會耽誤他們嗎?
7 And will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night? Will he keep putting them off?

二﹑禱告事項 Prayer Items:

  1. 為阿富汗禱告:在塔利班取得政權之後,迫害基督徒的情形在阿富汗變得愈來愈殘忍。不論是阿富汗人或是外國人的基督徒都可能因為他們的信仰而遭到迫害。根據〝開門〞這個幫助受迫害的教會的機構的評估,阿富汗現在在世界上是僅次於北韓最逼迫基督徒的國家。求神堅固在阿富汗基督徒的信心,在逼迫中求神讓信主的人反倒增加。
    Pray for Afghanistan.  With the Taliban takeover, persecution against Christians has become brutal in all of Afghanistan. Any Christian, whether native or foreigner, is in danger on account of their faith. Open Doors, an organization serving the persecuted church, estimates that Afghanistan is the second only to North Korea in persecuting Christians. Pray that the Afghani believers, for them to be strengthened in their faith, and for their numbers to grow.
  2. 為新冠疫情禱告:加州新冠肺炎每日新增確診人數已經進入衰退期,求神讓疫情盡快消退,到四月的時候人們的工作生活都可以絕大部分恢復正常。
    Pray for COVID.  The number of daily new cases of COVID in California has been declining significantly. Pray that the pandemic would subside, and life can be back to normal mostly by April.
  3. 為復興禱告小組禱告:一起禱告是神對教會的心意。復興禱告小組正在教會推展中,據估計目前弟兄姊妹已經組成將近五十個復興禱告小組,求神感動更多弟兄妹甚至是慕道友組成復興禱告小組,一起禱告,一起經歷神所帶來的復興與轉化。
    Pray for RPG.  Praying together is God’s will for His church. Our church is promoting people to form revival prayer groups (RPG). So far, there are around fifty RPGs formed. Pray that the Lord would move more brothers, sisters, and even seekers to form RPGs, and our church would experience revival and trans-formation through praying together.
  4. 為牧養事工禱告:為教會台語、華語、英語各團契小組的輔導與小組長禱告。求主給我們的牧養同工們愛心、耐心與智慧,關心弟兄姊妹,建造弟兄姊妹起來服事主,帶領弟兄姊妹外展。
    Pray for Group Leaders.  Pray for advisers and group leaders of Taiwanese, Mandarin, and English congregations. Pray that the Lord would give them love, strength, and wisdom to care for people, to build up new leaders, and to reach out to the lost.
  5. 為肢體禱告:為你所知道身體欠安的弟兄姊妹或是確診的弟兄姊妹禱告,求神醫治他們恢復身體的健康。
    Pray for the Sick.  Pray for those who are sick or infected. Pray that the Lord would heal them and restore their health.