一﹑本週經文Scriptures: 約翰福音16:33 John
33 我將這些事告訴你們,是要叫你們在我裡面有平安。在世上,你們有苦難;但你們可以放心,我已經勝了世界。
33 I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.

二﹑禱告事項 Prayer Items:

We pray that our Lord heal all the families of the wounded and the deceased at Taiwan Presbyterian Church in Irvine, and fill them with the Lord’s love, grace, and mercy, and restore their body, mind, and spirit. We also pray that the blood of the Christ will cover the pastors and members of the Taiwan Presbyterian Church in Irvine, so that they may find peace from their fear and anxiety, let them united to help each other, and support each other in the peace and hope of the Christ Jesus, so they may stand firm again, and continue to win the soul of the land for the Lord.

1. 為美國恢復基督信仰的根基禱告:求主綑綁黑暗的權勢,繼續憐憫與保守,使得美國的基督信仰根基仍然存留著 。我們相信現在是通過禱告、復興,在靈界奪回地土的時候了。求主翻轉震動美國教會,不再向世界順服與妥協,在生活、家庭、婚姻上活出美好的見證,勇敢地拿起上帝所賦予的權柄,打破轄制美國的黑暗權勢,
Pray that the Lord will bind the power of darkness.  May Lord’s mercy and protection continue, so that the foundation of Christian faith in the United States will remain. We believe that it is time to take back the land in the spiritual realm through prayer and revival. Pray that the Lord will shake the church, no longer submit to and compromise with the world, have beautiful testimony in life, family, and marriage, bravely take up the authority bestowed by God, and break the dark powers that rule the United States.

2. 請為洛福教會的牧師團隊禱告:求主賜下屬靈的智慧、愛心及耐心,使他們能照著神的心意繼續牧養教會。懇求主的寶血塗抹遮蓋,使他們得以抵擋魔鬼百般的攻擊。求主也看顧他們家庭的需要,使得牧者們能專注於服事。我們懇求主賜給他們有神所賜的異象,在這混亂、黑暗的世代中,因著眾同工與弟兄姊妹同心合一,盡心竭力多傳福音,繼續使洛福教會,贏得更多失喪的靈魂。
Pray for the pastoral team of EfcLA / HarvestLA.   Pray that they may have wisdom, love and patience from above, so that they can continue to serve the church according to God’s will. Pray for His blood to cover them up so that they can resist the various attacks from the devil, and support their family’s needs, so that they can focus on ministries. Pray that the Lord will give them the vision from heaven, in this chaotic and dark age, that all the co-workers and brothers and sisters are united, putting their efforts to spread the gospel.

3. 為6月份的暑期聖經學校VBS禱告:為我們於6/13-17 VBS的策劃和推動禱告。求主吸引更多孩童報名參加VBS,透過VBS的活動幫助孩童建立正確的信仰。求主預備足夠的同工和所需用的一切資源,讓所有籌備工作順利完成。
Pray for Summer Bible School VBS in June.  Pray for our planning and promotion of VBS from 6/13-17. Pray that the Lord will attract more children to sign up for VBS, and help children establish correct beliefs through VBS activities. Pray that the Lord will prepare enough co-workers and all the resources needed to make the preparation work smoothly.

4. 為幸福小組禱告:為四個幸福小組的十餘位BEST禱告。求聖靈在他們心中動工,使他們回應福音,接受耶穌基督作生命的救主。
Pray for Happiness Group. Pray that the Holy Spirit would work in the hearts of the ten plus BESTs, so that the BESTs would open their hearts to accept Jesus Christ as their personal savior.

5. 為肢體禱告:為王炳欽牧師,及你所知道身體欠安的弟兄姊妹禱告,求神醫治他們恢復身體的健康。
Pray for the Sick.  Pray for Pastor Benson Wang and those who are sick. Pray that the Lord would heal them and restore their health.