
對於2022 年5 月15 日發生於爾灣台灣基督長老教會 (ITPC) 的槍擊事件,我們深感哀慟,並向捨身救人的鄭達志醫師 (Dr. John Cheng) 及親屬朋友致上最衷心的慰問與悼念,求主醫治安慰身心受傷的兄姐,求聖靈的同在使經歷受傷的兄姐能從驚嚇中得著安慰,並身心靈都能早日康復。




Evangelical Formosan Church of Los Angeles

Joint Statement

We are heartbroken to hear about the shooting incident in Irvine Taiwanese Presbyterian Church on May 15, 2022 and we send our sincerest condolences and deepest sympathy to the family of Dr. John Cheng who sacrificed his life to save the people there. May the Lord heal and comfort the sisters and brothers that were wounded both physically and emotionally. We pray that the presence of the Holy Spirit be with them so they can have a speedy recovery in their minds, their hearts, and their bodies so they will receive peace even after experiencing this terrifying situation. 

EFCLA is the church of Jesus Christ. We condemn any means of violence or the behavior of hurting others to appeal one’s position. We believe that the love of God and the power of peace always transcend violence and fear. May God give the true peace to all churches and His children. We also prompt our congregants to be vigilant for your safety while extending care to families and friends surrounding us. May the Lord give us unity so that we can overcome this time of grieving through prayers, watch over, and support in the Lord’s guidance.

Again, our hearts and sincerest prayers go out to all families affected by this unfortunate incident.

“Who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.” (2 Corinthians 1:4)