一﹑本週經文Scriptures: 以斯帖記4:14 Esther
14 此時你若閉口不言,猶大人必從別處得解脫,蒙拯救;你和你父家必致滅亡。焉知你得了王后的位分不是為現今的機會嗎?
14 For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?
二﹑禱告事項 Prayer Items:
- 為巴基斯坦禱告:巴基斯坦是一個穆斯林國家,在她兩億一千兩百萬人口中僅1.9%是基督徒,且大多數居住在Punjab、Sindh兩個省。基督徒女孩經常被綁架並被迫嫁給穆斯林男人。求神醫治這些被綁架的女孩的心靈,也求主讓巴基斯坦的教會剛強壯膽繼續堅持傳揚福音。
Pray for Pakistan. In Pakistan, a Muslim nation of more than 212 million inhabitants, only 19 percent are Christians. Most live in Punjab and Sindh provinces, where they face persecution in many forms. It is common for Christian girls to be kidnapped and forced to marry Muslim men. Pray that the kidnapped girls to find healing in God. Pray also for the church not to give in to despair but to be emboldened to continue spreading the gospel. - 為美國禱告:在美國大規模槍擊事件造成無辜性命傷亡的慘劇,已經到了令人髮指的程度,求神感動聯邦與各州的立法機關,通過法律禁止人民擁有攻擊性的武器。求神改變美國,使槍擊等暴力事件在這個國家止息。
Pray for the US. The massive shooting incidents in the US are rampant, which causing may innocent people lost their lives. Pray that the federal and state legislative institutes would pass bills to prohibit people from owning assault weapons. Pray that the Lord would cease violence and killing in the US. - 為洗禮班禱告:兒童堂有四位、英文堂有一位正在上洗禮班接受洗禮前的準備。求神藉著洗禮班使他們對真理有更清楚的認識。為華語堂本主日受洗的金環環姊妹禱告,求神堅固她的跟隨主的信心。
Pray for Baptism. Pray for those (four from C.C. and one from Harvest) who are receiving their baptismal class to have a clear idea about the Christian faith before they receive their baptism. Pray that the Lord would strengthen sister Huanhuan Jin’s faith, who received baptism on 06/12. - 為VBS禱告:為本週一至週五的暑期聖經學校(VBS)學童禱告,求神幫助他們從活動與學習中認識耶穌。為所有VBS的老師、助手以及行政人員禱告,求神賜他們智慧的心、喜樂的靈,服事每一位小朋友。
Pray for VBS. Pray for our VBS (June 13-17). Pray that all the fifty some students would know Jesus. Also, pray that the Spirit would fill the teachers, teacher’s aids, and staff when serving the students. - 為肢體禱告:為你所知道身體欠安的弟兄姊妹禱告,求神醫治他們恢復身體的健康。
Pray for the Sick. Pray for those who are sick. Pray that the Lord would heal them and restore their health.