一﹑本週經文Scriptures: 哥林多後書10: 3-5 2 Corinthians
3 For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. 4 The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. 5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.
二﹑禱告事項 Prayer Items:
- 為遜尼派扎扎人禱告:遜尼派扎扎人居在土耳其的東南部,多數從事
牧羊人或農民。多年的壓制和忽視使他們陷入貧困,迫使地方人口大 量移居到土耳其或歐洲的大都市。雖然他們是遜尼派穆斯林, 但信仰中也摻雜著薩滿教和拜火教。即便如此, 我們深信神正為扎扎人在屬靈中征戰,在他們當中有數間小教會正在 興起。儘管他們仍在等待屬於自己方言的聖經, 遜尼派扎扎人仍在增長。今天,讓我們為 150 萬遜尼派扎扎人有機會聽到福音禱告。
Pray for Sunni Zaza. The Sunni Zaza people live in southeastern Turkey and are mostly shepherds or farmers. Years of repression and neglect have plunged them into poverty, forcing the mass migration of local populations to large cities in Turkey or Europe. Although they are Sunni Muslims, their beliefs are also mixed with Shamanism and Zoroastrianism. Even so, we are convinced that God is fighting spiritually for the Zaza people, and among them several small churches are rising. Although they are still waiting for the Bible in their own language, the Sunni Zaza are still growing. Today, let us pray that the 1.5 million Sunni Zaza will have the opportunity to hear the Gospel. - 為世界氣候變遷禱告:全世界目前正被高溫所擾,美國本土近期也受
火災、水災、沙塵暴所苦。特別加州又進入緊急乾旱的狀態。 加州近日也發生森林大火等等。求主憐憫保守, 也讓更多的人正視氣候變遷的問題。
Pray for the climate change. The world is currently disturbed by heat waves caused by high temperatures, and the US has recently suffered from wild fires, floods, and sandstorms. In particular, California has entered a state of emergency drought. There have been wildfires in California recently. May the Lord be merciful and protective, and let more people face up to the issue of climate change. - 為宣教培靈會禱告:8/12-13南加州眾教會與海外基督使團(
OMF)合辦的「知難而進」宣教培靈會在本教會舉行。求神記念大 會講員馮浩鎏醫師,使用祂的僕人激起華人教會對宣教服事的負擔, 熱忱與行動。
Pray for Mission Convention: We will hold the S. Cal. Joint Mission Convention at our church venue from Aug 12 to 13. Pray that the Lord would use His servant, Dr. Patrick Fong, to arouse a movement for mission among the Asian American churches. - 為同工退修會禱告:請為8/20全教會同工退修會的籌備、報名禱
告。求神讓教會的牧養、各部門同工們都報名參加這個退修會。求神 藉著這個退修會更新同工的靈命,增進同工之間的連結,使同工們更 喜樂於服事。
Pray for Co-Worker Retreat: We will hold this year’s co-worker retreat on Aug. 20. Pray that all of our leaders would sign up for this one-day retreat. Pray that the Lord would use this retreat to renew and revive His servants. Also, pray that the bonding of our leaders would improve through this retreat. - 為肢體禱告:為你所知道身體欠安的弟兄姊妹禱告,求神醫治他們恢
復身體的健康。Pray for the Sick: Pray that the Lord would heal those who are sick and restore their heath and strength.