一﹑本週經文Scriptures: 創世記 6:22 & 7:16 Genesis
6:22 挪亞就這樣行。凡 神所吩咐的,他都照樣行了。Noah did everything just as God commanded him.
7:16 凡有血肉進入方舟的,都是有公有母,正如 神所吩咐挪亞的。耶和華就把他關在方舟裡頭。The animals going in were male and female of every living thing, as God had commanded Noah. Then the Lord shut him in.

二﹑禱告事項 Prayer Items:

  1. 為奈及利亞禱告:雖然奈及利亞是一個基督徒戰多數的國家,但是基督徒在奈及利亞的北部與中部地區仍舊常常遭受迫害。極端伊斯蘭集團像博科哈蘭就常暴力脅迫、綁架甚至殺害基督徒。他們的攻擊使需多基督徒農民無法下田工作,最後被迫離開他們的家園。禱告奈及利亞政府能夠保護那些遭到逼迫的基督徒,求神堅固奈及利亞基督徒的信心。
    Pray for Nigeria. Although Nigeria is a Christian country, persecution against Christians in the northern and central region is common. Radical Islamist groups like Boko Haram throw violent threats and kidnap and murder Christians. Their attacks also make it hard for Christian farmers to access their own lands, forcing many to move into camps for internally displaced people. Pray for the Nigerian government to find ways to ensure peace and for the persecuted Christians to remain strong in their faith.
  2. 為俄烏戰爭禱告:俄烏戰爭自二月爆發以來,已經造成烏克蘭相當嚴重地損失,農工生產受阻停頓,國家生產下降45%。有超過五百萬人逃離家園,超過一萬烏克蘭平民傷亡,四萬軍人傷亡,俄羅斯也可能有七、八萬軍人傷亡。求神使這場戰爭迅速停止,避免在有更多的人員傷亡,再次恢復東歐地區的和平。
    Pray for the Russia-Ukraine War. Since the Russia-Ukraine war broke out in February, the Ukrainian agricultural and industrial production has been severely interrupted. The national GDP dropped by 45%. Over 5 million Ukrainians left their homes. There were more 10,000 Ukrainian civilians killed or injured, and another 40,000 Ukrainian soldiers killed or injured. On the other hand, it is estimated that 80,000 Russian soldiers were killed or injured. Pray that this war would come to an end soon to have peace restored in East Europe, and to prevent more causalities.
  3. 為同工退修會禱告:請為8/20全教會同工退修會的講員林光信牧師與Tracy Tung 傳道禱告,求神使用祂的僕人更新我们的靈命,奮興我们服事的熱忱。求神藉著團體遊戲與討論分享的時間,拉近同工間的距離,建立同工間的團契。
    Pray for Co-Worker Retreat: Pray for our speakers: Pr. Caleb Lin, and Min. Tracy Tung. Pray that the Lord would use them to refresh our team members and to rekindle our passion for ministries. Pray also that the Lord would use the game time and discussion time to strengthen the bonding and fellowship among our team members.
  4. 為兒童校外教學禱告:8/27兒童堂將到加州科學博物館舉行校外教學。請為所有的學童都能報名參加禱告,請為行程平安禱告,請為有足夠的老師、同工以及隨隊的家長參與禱告。
    Pray for Children’s Field Education: Our children’s congregation will hold a field education at California Science Center on Aug. 27. Pray that all the children from our church would sign up. Pray for the safety. We need enough teachers and chaperones for this trip.
  5. 為肢體禱告:為你所知道身體欠安的弟兄姊妹禱告,求神醫治他們恢復身體的健康。請為雅文姊妹的父親鄭念銘弟兄的健康禱告,求神醫治他。
    Pray for the Sick: Pray that the Lord would heal those who are sick and restore their heath and strength. Pray also for Brother Peter Chen, who is in hospital.