一﹑本週經文Scriptures: 創世記 15:1  Genesis
1 這事以後,耶和華在異象中有話對亞伯蘭說:「亞伯蘭,你不要懼怕!我是你的盾牌,必大大地賞賜你。」
1 After this, the word of the LORD came to Abram in a vision: “Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your very great reward.”

二﹑禱告事項 Prayer Items:

  1. 為緬甸禱告:在緬甸作一名基督徒可能受到主流佛教徒、穆斯林或是部落社群的排斥,甚至連基本的資源像水也難以取得。由於基督徒僅佔人口的8%,類似的情形經常發生。2021 軍人政變後更增加基督徒的危險,特別是多數的武裝衝突多發生在基督徒佔多數的省分。求神堅固緬甸基督徒的信心,即便在當前的環境下仍繼續做光做鹽。
    Pray for Myanmar.  Being a Christian in one of Myanmar’s Buddhist, Muslim or tribal communities can result in being denied access to basic resources like water, this happens often. And as Christians make up only eight percent of the population. The 2021 military coup has increased the dangers for Christians since most of the fighting happens in predominantly Christian states. Pray for the church in Myanmar to be salt and light in their nation and for God to strengthen their faith.
  2. 為極端氣候禱告:全球暖化造成海平面明顯上升,不同的地區豪雨成災,或是久旱不雨。極端氣候已經愈發使全球貧富的差距加大,更多的人陷於貧窮飢餓的邊緣。求神憐憫,幫助祂的教會更多投入幫助窮人的行動,並把握時機將使人心靈飽足的福音傳給人。
    Pray for Extreme Weather.  The global warming has caused flood and drought in different regions in the world. As a result, more and more people are suffering from hunger and poverty. Pray that the Lord would move His church to reach out more to the poor to ease them from their physical hunger and also ease their spiritual hunger with the gospel.
  3. 為幸福小組禱告:秋季幸福小組即將於九月開始,求神感動每個團契小組的兄姊妹看到福音的需要,都能差派出同工組成幸福小組展開向親人、朋友、鄰舍傳福音行動的禱告。
    Pray for Happiness Groups.  Our Fall Happiness Group campaign is only a month away. Pray that the Lord would move our brothers and sisters to have a burden in evangelism, and form different happiness groups to reach out to their family, friends, or neighbors.
  4. 為長執提名禱告:牧師與長老們正在邀請明年度教會各部門的長老與執事人選,教會目前各部門急需同工參與服事,請為能順利徵詢得合適且充足的長老執事的候選人禱告,以利教會是工順利推展。
    Pray for Recruitment.  Pastors and elders are recruiting the candidates of elders and deacons for the next year. Pray that the recruitment would be smooth, so that the church would have adequate leaders to carry on different ministries in next year.
  5. 為肢體禱告:為你所知道身體欠安的弟兄姊妹禱告,求神醫治他們恢復身體的健康。請為林怡宏長老手術後健康恢復禱告。
    Pray for the Sick.  Pray that the Lord would heal those who are sick and restore their heath and strength. Pray also for the speedy recovery of Elder Hank Lin.