一﹑本週經文Scriptures: 創世記 33:10 Genesis

雅各向以掃說:因為我見了你的面,如同見了神的面 。said Jacob. “For to see your face is like seeing the face of God”

二﹑禱告事項 Prayer Items:

  1. 為伊郎禱告:最近的報導指出,最近一名伊朗婦女,因著所謂「不端莊的打扮」而被「道德」處決,導致伊朗各地發生了大規模的抗議活動。到目前為止,已經有許多人傷亡和被捕。到目前為止,這些抗議不再是單純的示威,而是一場可能推翻伊朗神職人員掌握政權的革命,但是什葉派領袖不會輕易交出政權,相反地,他們可能會進行激烈鎮壓行動,以維持對國家的控制。請為掌管伊朗的伊斯蘭革命衛隊制度和精神能瓦解來禱告。求主幫助西方國家有勇氣與那些尋求更多自由和盼望結束極端政權的伊朗人民站在一起。讓我們在禱告中,求神興起基督徒,能夠像先知但以理在他的時代那樣影響整個地區。最後讓我們為復興和聖靈大能運行在伊朗人民中來禱告。
    Pray for Iran: The recent “moral” execution of an Iranian woman for her so-called “indecent dress” led to massive protests across Iran. So far, there have been many casualties and arrests. These protests are no longer mere demonstrations, but a revolution that could overthrow the regime held by Iranian clerics, but the Shiite leader (aka the Great Ayatollah) will not hand over power easily, on the contrary, they may conduct violent repression in order to maintain control of the state. Please pray for the breakdown of the Islamic Revolutionary system and spiritual energy that govern Iran. Pray that the West will have the courage to stand with the Iranian people who seek more freedom and end the extremist regime. Let us in prayer ask God to raise up Christians who can influence the entire region as the prophet Daniel did in his day. Let’s pray for revival and the power of the Holy Spirit working among the people of Iran.
  2. 為美國禱告:強烈颶風伊恩於九月28日自墨西哥灣以四級強度登陸美國佛羅里達州西海岸。而後則以一級颶風重新在南卡登陸、繼續沿著美國東海岸肆虐,引發海水倒灌,災害遍及北卡羅來納州、維吉尼亞州。伊恩所到之處一片狼藉,基礎設施、住房、農業、電力、運輸和電信服務都遭到嚴重破壞。佛州州長形容為「500年來最大洪災」。讓我們一起為佛州禱告,求主憐憫災區,使教會能夠在這特別的時刻除了提供災民實質的幫助外,也為恢復他們的社區和家園而祈禱。
    Pray for USA: Severe Hurricane Ian made landfall on the west coast of Florida with a Category 4 intensity from the Gulf of Mexico on September 28. Then it landed again in South Carolina as a Category 1 hurricane and continued to wreak havoc along the east coast of the United States, causing seawater inflows and disasters throughout North Carolina and Virginia. Everywhere Ian went was a mess, with extensive damage to infrastructure, housing, agriculture, electricity, transport and telecommunications services. Florida Governor described it as “the biggest flood in 500 years.” Let’s pray together for Florida, asking the Lord to have mercy on the disaster area, so that the church can not only provide substantial help to the victims at this special time, but also pray for the restoration of their communities and homes.
  3. 為幸福小組禱告:為9-11月幸福小組負責場地佈置、茶點準備、敬拜、破冰、見證、信息、小組分享的同工們禱告,求神賜給我們彼此相愛的心,在愛人、關心人的氛圍讓BEST感受到神的愛而願意接受福音。
    Pray for Outreach Ministries: Pray that the seekers would come back for our outreach meeting. Pray also for those who host the outreach meetings.
  4. 為10/30洛福教會即將舉辦的Trunk and Treat活動禱告:求主使用這個活動來吸引新朋友來到教會。求主也使用這個活動成為教會在後疫情時代,恢復福音外展的開始。讓我們一起禱告,求主保守當天活動一切順利平安,供應一切需要的資源,也讓每一位來到教會的新朋友感受到洛福教會耶穌的愛以及熱情。
    Pray for the upcoming Trunk and Treat event at Church on 10/30: We pray Lord to use this activity to attract new friends to church. Pray that the Lord will also use this event as the beginning of the church’s recovery of gospel outreach in the post-pandemic era. Let us pray together, asking the Lord to keep the activities of the day smooth and safe, to provide all the necessary resources, and to let every new friend who comes to the church feel the love and enthusiasm of Jesus from the EFCLA.
  5. 為肢體禱告:為你所知道身體欠安的弟兄姊妹禱告,求神醫治他們恢復身體的健康。
    Pray for the Sick: Pray that the Lord would heal those who are sick and restore their heath and strength.