一﹑本週經文Scriptures: 歷代志下 15:2  2 Chronicles

2 他出來迎接亞撒,對他說:「亞撒和猶大、便雅憫眾人哪,要聽我說:你們若順從耶和華,耶和華必與你們同在;你們若尋求他,就必尋見;你們若離棄他,他必離棄你們。
2 He went out to meet Asa and said to him, “Listen to me, Asa and all Judah and Benjamin. The Lord is with you when you are with him. If you seek him, he will be found by you, but if you forsake him, he will forsake you.

二﹑禱告事項 Prayer Items:

  1. 為尼日禱告:位於非洲中西部內陸的尼日,是極度貧窮的國家之一,糧食不足與乾旱極為嚴重。尼日保障宗教自由,總人口約有99.3%為伊斯蘭教徒。讓我們為這地的年輕人禱告,使他們認識耶穌基督,生命得以改變,堅定成為神國度的工人。
    Pray for Niger.  A nation located in the interior of central and western Africa, is one of the most impoverished countries with severe food insufficiency and drought. Niger guarantees freedom of religion, and about 99.3% of the total population is Muslim. Let’s pray for the young people that they will come to know Jesus Christ, their lives will be changed, and they will be determined to serve the kingdom of God.
  2. 為幸福小組禱告:為9-11月幸福小組負責場地佈置、茶點準備、敬拜、破冰、見證、信息、小組分享的同工們禱告,求神賜給我們彼此相愛的心,在愛人、關心人的氛圍讓BEST感受到神的愛而願意接受福音。
    Pray for Outreach Ministries: Pray that the seekers would come back for our outreach meeting. Pray also for those who host the outreach meetings.
  3. 為10/30的兒童堂活動Trunk or Treat Hallelujah Carnival禱告:各個團契積極參與服事,可以邀請更多家庭和小朋友參加,成為一次福音外展的機會。
    Pray for Trunk or Treat Hallelujah Carnival, the Children Congregation’s event on 10/30. Each fellowship actively participates in the service, and more families and children can be invited to participate, which becomes an opportunity for gospel outreach.
  4. 為粵語聚會禱告:從10月起,第一和第三週的主日上午10點在小會堂有粵語聚會。為服事的同工禱告,為聚會可以吸引更多住在San Gabriel Valley的講粵語的人群可以來敬拜尋求神禱告。
    Pray for the Cantonese-speaking service.  From October there will be Cantonese-speaking service in the small chapel on Sundays of the first and third weeks at 10am. Pray for the co-workers in the service, and for the gathering to attract more Cantonese-speaking people living in San Gabriel Valley to come to worship and seek God.
  5. 為肢體禱告:為你所知道身體欠安的弟兄姊妹禱告,求神醫治他們恢復身體的健康。
    Pray for the Sick.  Pray that the Lord would heal those who are sick and restore their heath and strength.