一﹑本週經文Scriptures: 創世記 12:2-3 Genesis

2 我必叫你成為大國。我必賜福給你,叫你的名為大;你也要叫別人得福。3 為你祝福的,我必賜福與他;那咒詛你的,我必咒詛他。地上的萬族都要因你得福。
2 I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. 3 I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.

二﹑禱告事項 Prayer Items:

  1. 為美國禱告:人的選擇並不可靠:始祖犯罪便是作了錯誤的抉擇;天下人齊心建造巴別塔惹來神的忿怒;自以為有政治智慧的彼拉多,驚訝猶太人竟選擇釋放作亂殺人的巴拉巴,高喊釘耶穌十字架。他們的大聲催逼就得了勝。美國中期選舉結束了,兩黨再次爭奪國會的主導權。地方選舉影響著我們關心的治安與民生。校區的選舉更能影響影響我們的後代。離棄了真神的民主選舉,已不再神聖。基督徒要同心禱告,也要積極參與,不作靜默的旁觀者,不容叛逆真理的聲音得勝。請一起同來,為選舉結果、為教育、為不畏政治黑暗的基督徒參政者禱告,也為執政掌權者禱告。
    Pray for US. People’s choices are not reliable: the first ancestors sinned and made a wrong choice; the people all over the world built the Tower of Babel together, which caused the wrath of God; Pilate, who thought he had political wisdom, was surprised that the Jews chose to release bandit who was a rioter and murderer, shouting crucify Jesus. Their loud pressing prevailed. The U.S. midterm elections are over, and the two parties are once again vying for dominance in Congress. Local elections affect the public security and people’s livelihood that we care about. School district elections have more impact on our future generations. Abandoning God’s democratic electoral system is no longer sacred. We as Christians should pray with unity and actively participate. We should not be silent bystanders and allow the voice of rebellion to prevail. Please pray for election results, for education, for Christians who are not afraid of political darkness, and for those in power.
  2. 美國全國監獄事工禱告:God Behind Bars事工日前公布,今年已有450多名受刑人決志受洗,宣告將生命獻給主。他們表示,耶穌基督的大能正在監獄被彰顯;自去年(2021)以來,受洗的受刑人人數至少增加四倍。該事工在其官方臉書發文寫道:與今年相比,去年獄中只有90人受洗;現在福音正以超過我們所求所想的速度和方式,在監獄傳播。神的大能正快速地彰顯!在去年,有許多監獄無法開放進入傳福音,但透過為為受刑人打造了第一個供監獄受刑人使用的福音APP「潘多」(The Pando app);受刑人可以從應用程式,觀看牧師的講道影片、聆聽敬拜音樂和查考聖經。已經有55萬名受刑人在使用他們所開發的APP。求主使用God Behind Bars事工,使更多的受刑人因著他們的服事能認識耶穌基督,使生命可以真正的被改變。
    Pray for National Prison Ministries. God Behind Bars Ministries recently announced that more than 450 prisoners have decided to be baptized this year, declaring their lives to the Lord. They say that the power of Jesus Christ is being demonstrated in prisons; the number of baptized prisoners has at least quadrupled since last year (2021). In a post on its official Facebook page, the ministry wrote: Compared to this year, only 90 people were baptized in prisons last year; The power of God is manifesting fast! In the last year, many prisons were unable to open to evangelism, but through the creation of the first evangelistic app “The Pando” for prisonsers; inmates can watch the pastor from the app. sermon videos, listen to worship music and study the Bible. 550,000 prisoners are already using their app. Pray that the Lord will use the God Behind Bars ministry so that more prisoners can know Jesus Christ through their mimistries, so that their lives can be truly changed.
  3. 請為即將受洗的Best禱告:感謝主,這期幸福小組已進入最後一週,目前已經有四位Best願意接受耶穌並且決定受洗、有一位願意接受堅信禮。求主繼續感動,使所有仍在尋求的Best願意做出決定,接受耶穌並受洗歸入耶穌的名下,也為在下週幸福講座的邀請及講員禱告,使每一個Best都願意來教會參加。也求主帶領這些及將受洗的Best能順利銜接至團契小組中。
    Pray for Best who is about to be baptized. Praised the Lord, this happiness group has entered the last week, there are already four Best who are willing to accept Jesus and have decided to be baptized, and one is willing to accept the confirmation. Pray that the Lord will continue to be moved, so that all the Best who are still seeking are willing to make a decision to accept Jesus and be baptized into the name of Jesus, and also pray for the invitation and speakers of the happiness Sunday next week, so that every Best is willing to come to the church to participate . Also pray that the Lord will lead these and baptized Best to smoothly connect to the fellowship or small group.
  4. 為新選出的長執及所有長執會的同工禱告:請為所有新任及明年度的長執禱告,求主賜充足的智慧、愛心、耐心、及合一的靈在其中,使用他們的恩賜成為教會的祝褔。求主賜異象在他們當中,也使這些同工明白神在洛福教會的心意,藉著他們的服事,使神的國度擴張,有更多的人願意服事,使更多失喪的靈魂得救。
    Pray for the newly elected co-workers. Please pray for all the newly appointed elders and deacons, pray that the Lord will give them sufficient wisdom, love, patience, and unity to use their gifts to be the blessing of the church. Pray that the Lord will give them a vision, and make these co-workers understand God’s will in EFCLA. Through their service, God’s kingdom will expand, more people will be willing to serve, and more lost souls are saved.
  5. 為肢體禱告:為你所知道身體欠安的弟兄姊妹禱告,求神醫治他們恢復身體的健康。
    Pray for the Sick. Pray that the Lord would heal those who are sick and restore their heath and strength.