一﹑本週經文Scriptures:馬太福音1:22-23 Matthew、 約翰福音1:14 John
22 All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet: 23 “The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel” (which means “God with us”).
14 The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.

二﹑禱告事項 Prayer Items:
  1. 為英國禱告:英國2021年人口普查報告顯示,該國境內基督徒人口已不到一半的比例,但「無宗教」人口、穆斯林、印度教信徒卻都是上升的趨勢。更多學生和整個Z世代都對占星術和塔羅牌很感興趣,他們通過手機APP來連結相關網站,還有些人甚至想要更深入地瞭解,他們聽Podcast、參加活動,甚至加入異教徒團體或巫術團體。為英國的教會及屬靈氣氛禱告,求主興起教會,使教會能在這世代繼續做光做鹽。
    Pray for UK. The 2021 UK Census report shows that less than half of the country’s population is Christian, but the “no religion” population, Muslims and Hindus are all on the rise. More students and the entire Generation Z are interested in astrology and tarot, linking to websites through mobile apps, and some even want to learn more, listening to podcasts, attending events, and even joining pagan or witchcraft groups. Pray for the church and spiritual atmosphere in the UK. Pray that the Lord would raise up the church and that it would continue to be a light and a salt in this generation.
  2. 為美國禱告:儘管許多美國青年正面臨環境挑戰和多元文化的衝擊,令人興奮的是,上帝仍在年輕族群中動工!國際基督教青年組織Youth For Christ(YFC)表示,2022年共有超過7千名兒童和青少決定跟隨耶穌,人數比去年翻倍!現今年輕人的迫切需要,只有在基督裡才能得到滿足、重拾人生盼望。為美國青少年福音事工禱告,求主興起更多的守望者,願意當年輕人在生活中遇到難題的時刻,與其並肩同行、建立關係,將福音帶給下一代。
    Pray for USA. Even though many American youth are facing environmental challenges and the impact of multiculturalism, it is exciting to know that God is still at work among young people! According to Youth For Christ (YFC), more than 7,000 children and youth have decided to follow Jesus in 2022, double the number from last year! The urgent needs of today’s young people can only be met and their hope for life restored in Christ. Pray that more watchmen will be raised up to walk alongside and build relationships with young people at difficult times in their lives and bringing the Gospel to the next generation.
  3. 為教會牧者及長老禱告:教會牧者及長老事最容易受攻擊的一群人,求神給牧長有好的家庭關係,求主的寶血遮蓋潔淨,使教會牧長不受金錢、色情、權力的誘惑而跌倒;求主賜給牧長有知心的夥伴,有健康的身心靈,曉得如何排解壓力,不讓負面情緒影響服事,每天都能靠主更新得力。
    Pray for Church pastors and elders. Church pastors and elders are the most vulnerable group of people. Pray that God will give pastors / elders good family relationships and that the blood of Jesus Christ will cover them with purity so that they will not be tempted by money, sex, or power and fall. Pray that the pastors / elders will have caring partners, a healthy mind and body, and know how to relieve stress and not let negative emotions affect their ministry, so that they can be renewed and strengthened by the Lord every day.
  4. 為聖誕慶祝活動禱告:為接下來教會的各項慶祝活動禱告,求主使用燭光崇拜、聖誕聯合主日,使弟兄姊妹在慶祝耶穌降生的同時,也獻上感恩,使我們能抬頭仰望面對2023年。
    Pray for Christmas Celebration. Pray for that the Lord would use the candlelight service and the Christmas Sunday to celebrate the birth of Jesus while offering thanksgiving so that we can look up to the year 2023.
  5. 為肢體禱告:為你所知道身體欠安的弟兄姊妹禱告,求神醫治他們恢復身體的健康。
    Pray for the Sick. Pray that the Lord would heal those who are sick and restore their heath and strength.