一﹑本週經文Scriptures: 雅各書5:16 James
16 Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.

二﹑禱告事項 Prayer Items:
Pray for Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan is a nation in the Caucasus region bounded by the Caspian Sea. The nation has a history of violent conflict with its neighbor, Armenia. Most of the Azeri are Shia Muslims. God has raised up the Azeri Church from only forty known believers in 1991 to about ten thousand believers today. As the church grows, it faces intensifying opposition from the Muslim majority. Pray that the nation can peacefully resolve its terror dispute with its neighbor, Armenia, and the Azeri can stand firm facing opposition and keep growing.

2.為美國禱告:天父,我們感謝祢對我們所居住的國家,美國,的恩惠、恩典和憐憫。 感謝神讓我們生活在一個我們可以自由敬拜您的國家。 感謝神保護我們的領導人、我們的國土、邊境和我們在國內外的軍事人員。 求神興起敬虔的領袖來帶領這個國家實現祢對這個國家的旨意。
Pray for the US. Father, we thank You for the favor, grace and mercy You have extended to our nation, the United States of America. Thank You for allowing us to live in a country where we can freely worship You. Thank You for protecting our leaders, our borders and our military personnel both at home and abroad. Pray that You would raise up godly leaders to lead this nation to fulfill Your purpose for this country.

Pray for Our Church: Pray that the Lord would revive His church. Pray that the church would grow in loving one another, in the truth, and in discipling the saints, and in witnessing for Him in this post-pandemic era.

Pray for Church Leaders:Pray for pastors, elders, deacons, advisers, and group leaders. Pray that the Lord would help them build an intimate relationship with Him every day, and pray constantly, and live a holy and victorious life. Pray that every co-worker will fulfill their duties, so that each of them can lead and build up believers and become a good example for believers. Give them the burden to the soul and the eloquence to preach the Gospel, so that they will all become channels of God’s blessing and love.

Pray for the Sick: Pray that the Lord would heal those who are sick and restore their heath and strength.