一﹑本週經文Scriptures: 詩篇46 : 8-11 Psalm
8 你們來看耶和華的作為,看他使地怎樣荒涼。9 他止息刀兵直到地極,他折弓斷槍,把戰車焚燒在火中。10你們要休息要知道我是神,我必在外邦中被尊崇,在遍地上也被尊崇。萬軍之耶和華與我們同在,雅各的神是我們的避難所。」
8 Come and see what the LORD has done, the desolations he has brought on the earth. 9 He makes wars cease to the ends of the earth. He breaks the bow and shatters the spear; he burns the shields with fire. 10 He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, 11 I will be exalted in the earth.” The LORD Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress.

二﹑禱告事項 Prayer Items:
1. 宣教禱告- 為烏克蘭禱告:烏克蘭被認為是東西方之間的門戶。 地理位置使它處於弱勢地位,吸引了鄰國俄羅斯的干涉,俄羅斯將傾向西方的烏克蘭視為威脅。 2022 年俄羅斯全面入侵烏克蘭,迫使 700 萬人逃離家園,另有 700 萬人流離失所。 烏克蘭有著悠久的基督教歷史,雖然福音派是少數,但教會在人道主義和傳福音方面非常積極。 祈求上帝讓俄烏戰爭能以和平解決。 求神使烏克蘭教會在這個危機時刻成為和平與光明的源泉。
Pray for Ukraine. Ukraine is considered a gateway between the East and the West. This puts the nation in a vulnerable position, attracting interference from neighboring Russia which views Western-leaning Ukraine as a threat. In 2022, Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, forcing seven million people of flee the country and leaving another seven million internally displaced. Ukraine has a strong Christian history, and while Evangelicals are the minority, the church is very active in its humanitarian and evangelistic efforts. Pray that God would orchestrate a peaceful resolution to the war in Ukraine. Praise God for the ministry of the Ukraine church and for making them a source of peace and light in this time of crisis.

2.為中國禱告:中國在解封之後,突然由最緊到最鬆的程度,使得許多人無所適從。新冠疫情到處流竄,有許多面臨到疫情極大的衝擊,感染了新冠,經歷很大的身心痛苦。無預警的解封通知,傳出多個省市的發燒門診及醫院擠滿 “發燒患者”,藥局也出現藥物耗盡情況。為中國的百姓禱告,在疫情的影響下,經濟、生活、學習、醫療受到的衝擊可以減少,並且可以得到政府的幫助,也可以得到教會或機構的協助。
Pray for China (Pandemic situation).  After China unblocked, the COVID-19 is spreading everywhere, and many family members are facing the huge impact of the epidemic. They are infected by COVID-19 viruses and experience physical and mental pain. It was reported that fever patients fully loading to clinics and hospitals, and pharmacies also ran out of medicines. Pray for Chinese people, under the influence of the pandemic, the impact on the economy, life, study, and medical care can be reduced, and they can get help from the government, as well as assistance from churches or institutions.

3. 請為關懷部事工禱告:今年的關懷事工部盼望能招聚一群迎新關懷的弟兄姐妹,以傳達教會的關愛。迎新事工是屬靈前線的服事,親切的問候能帶給新朋友溫暖及關愛。透過迎新關懷的服事,讓更多的弟兄姊妹一同起來服事,成為我們生活中的美好的見證,成為福音的種子,散發給我們身邊的群體,好叫他們因着這美好的見證,歸榮耀與神。
Pray for the Care Department.  Our Care Ministry Dept. hopes to recruit a group of welcoming team to convey the love of the church. Welcome ministry is a service on the spiritual frontline, and cordial greetings can bring warmth and love to new friends. Through the service of welcome and caring, more brothers and sisters will rise up to serve together, become a good testimony in our lives, become the seeds of the Gospel, and distribute it to the groups around us, so that they will return to the church because of this good testimony.

4. 為教會牧者(區牧)及牧師室同工禱告:現今的牧師(區牧及同工們)處在一個充滿挑戰的世代。求主讓牧者們對罪有深刻的敏銳感,求主使牧者在真理上不與世界妥協,也能在愛中傳揚真理,影響人的生命。保守牧者們的身心靈的健康,保護牧者(及家庭的成員)的生命,不受仇敵的驚恐。挪去一切攔阻牧者禱告的因素(如忙碌、疲憊、不必要的電話、雜務…等)使牧者與神之間沒有距離,讓牧者可以天天尋求神、敬畏神、渴慕神。
Pray for Pastors (Pastoral Office).  Nowadays, Pastors (Zone pastors and pastoral staffs) are in a challenging generation. Pray that the pastors will have a deep sensitivity to sin, and that the pastors will not compromise the truth with the world, also spread the truth in love and affect people’s lives. Keep their physical and spiritual health, protect their (and family) from the terror of the enemy. Remove all factors that hinder the pastor from praying (such as busyness, fatigue, unnecessary phone calls, chores, etc.) so that there is no distance between the pastors and God, so they can seek God, fear God, and long for God every day.

5. 為肢體的需要:為身心有軟弱的弟兄姊妹禱告,求神醫治他們使身體心靈都能得著醫治並恢復健康。為國清姊妹的母親住院(在中國)禱告,求主憐憫醫治。也安慰有些弟兄姐妹的心靈,他們的家人(在中國)因為染疫而病逝,心中的憂傷及難過。
Pray for Brothers & Sisters who are weakness. Pray for brothers and sisters who are experiencing weakness and darkness, and ask God to heal them so that their bodies and minds can be healed and restored to health. Pray for sister Maranda’s mother who is hospitalized (in China), and ask the Lord to have mercy and heal her. Also comforts those who their family members (in China) died of COVID-19.